Asteroid Hunters Sale

Black Eye Galaxy
Black Eye Galaxy
Published in
1 min readOct 4, 2021

To our wonderful Black Eye Galaxy community!

We are pleased to announce our next sale which will occur on 8/10/21 at 8 am UTC. A new type of Spaceship — Asteroid Hunters — will be our next
in-game NFT release. These ships will enable all holders to discover and mine asteroids in the game.

The sale price per ship will be 1400 BYG.

The price for a mining permit to mine asteroids will be 20 BYG. Ships that go on sale will be located on different planets to simplify the search for asteroids that are distributed across the galaxy.

Sale mechanics: ‘Asteroid Hunters’ will always be on sale as there’s no shortage. We want every community member to have the opportunity to own one now and in the future.

The community have spoken and we have listened! We have increased the rewards for asteroid mining. Common asteroids will now hold 600 BYG, Rare asteroids will have an average amount of 1200 BYG and if you’re lucky enough to find a super rare asteroid, you’ll grab that lucky pool prize of 4000 BYG.

Happy hunting BYG space explorers!

