MK1 & MK2 Asteroid Hunter Swap Results

James G
Black Eye Galaxy
Published in
4 min readJan 4, 2022

Last week, the Black Eye Galaxy Team released a community poll to decide on the future of the MK1 Asteroid Hunter. The results of this poll are now being released to the community. These are the results of this poll below:

Community Poll Results for the MK1 & MK2 Asteroid Hunter Swap
Results taken from Google Form

The options for players to vote on in this poll included the following:

  • Option 1: Keep MK1 asteroid hunter. However, they will be brought in line with the rest of the assets. Therefore, a mining capacity will be introduced (7,000 BYG) and mining rewards logic will be updated to a more sustainable dynamic model that will be used across all assets in the future. Upon reaching mining capacity, MK1 will not be useable but will remain in your assets. Upon reaching mining capacity, players can stake their MK1 in the reputation system to receive $50 bonus to their reputation level. Players can sell this rep boost asset on marketplace. This will provide 50$ worth of points into the reputation system. (the 7K mining capacity will start fresh for players and will not take into account what you have mined so far).
  • Option 2: Players will be able to swap their MK1 Asteroid Hunter for a special MK2 Asteroid Hunter. This will provide players a special limited edition MK2 that will have a special skin. With this special MK2 Asteroid Hunter, players will receive approximately a 850% APR based on price of 1,400 BYG (sale price) and the current BYG price of $0.10. Regardless of what price you bought the MK1 Asteroid Hunter for in BYG, this MK2 swap is an increase in APR at current BYG price. As per the update video, a date will be announced in Q1 2022 when this swap will be made available (= a total mining capacity of apx $1,500).

The winning option for this poll was option two. Option 2, in additional detail, provides players the following:

  • Fundamentally, players will be given the option, alongside two other options that will be discussed below, to swap their MK1 Asteroid Hunter to a special skinned MK2 Asteroid Hunter. MK1 Asteroid Hunter owners will, for the time being, keep their MK1 Asteroid Hunters until the swap option is made available to them. In this time, players can continue exploring and mining asteroids across the galaxy. A date will be provided to the community very soon in which will outline when this swap will be made available and when the MK2 Asteroid Hunter will be released onto the marketplace. The team expects this date to be closer to the end of January (subject to change). In the time between the MK2 swap and MK2 Asteroid Hunter official release onto the marketplace, owners of the Special MK2 Asteroid Hunter will have more control over asteroid spawns due to fewer competitors. This option provides players (as described on the poll), a limited edition special MK2 Asteroid Hunter where players will receive approximately a 850% APR based on price of 1,400 BYG (sale price) and the current BYG price of $0.10. Regardless of what price you bought the MK1 Asteroid Hunter for in BYG, this MK2 swap is an increase in APR at the current BYG price. This special MK2 Asteroid Hunter will have a mining capacity of 1,500 tonnes (where 1 tonne = $1.00). Lastly, this option, when made available, will be an automatic process for players. Players will not be immediately forced to swap their MK1 Asteroid Hunter to the MK2 Asteroid Hunter following option 2. Asteroid spawn will slowly decrease and cease. Players will be able to continue with the swap regardless of their ship damage percentage.
MK2 Asteroid Hunter Scrap Wreckage

The team are fully aware that releasing the option to swap MK1 to MK2 Asteroid Hunter right now will provide more sell pressure than the MK1 Asteroid Hunter. Therefore, we will continue to analyse the market conditions and price movement to ensure that we introduce these changes under the most acceptable conditions for the project and community. What this means is that this may cause the expected swap date for the MK1 to MK2 Asteroid Hunter (i.e., end of January) to be extended till the project is within acceptable market conditions. However, this will not impede the release date for the MK2 Asteroid Hunter onto the Black Eye Galaxy marketplace. The MK2 Asteroid Hunter is anticipated to be released on the marketplace by the end of January.

The other two options that have been offered to the community, alongside option 2, includes the following:

  • Option 3: Players can swap 8x MK1 Asteroid Hunters for 1x Class D Planet or 16x MK1 Asteroid Hunters for 1x Class H Planet.
  • Option 4: Players receive a refund of 1,400 BYG in exchange for the MK1 Asteroid Hunter, and players receive an MK1 memorial card that provides a reputation boost of $50.

These options will be provided to players through a manual process, where players will need to contact the team via a Google form document to request these changes to their assets. While Option 2 (the MK1 to MK2 Asteroid Hunter Swap) will remain an automatic process that players can do without contact or interaction with the team. Players can pick a mixture of these options for their MK1 Asteroid Hunter asset.

That’s it for today's update, thank you for supporting $BYG.

BYG Team

