Danielle Collins had Iga buying her ticket home — her press announcement has me shocked!

Tricia Small
black girl talks tennis🎾🎾
5 min readJan 18, 2024

Lessons I learned watching Danielle play last night:

  1. Guts is glory — be ready to rise to the occasion
  2. Be yourself or at least push yourself to be who you think you need to be to win
  3. Fearlessness is a muscle — throw the damn kitchen sink at it
  4. Fine tune your inner critic — you want it to push you, not bring you down

First of all, if we’re talking about Danielle Collins I have to say I’m biased as all hell. I love the woman on and off the court. I’ve seen her play on local St. Pete courts here in Florida with Juniors and aspiring tennis players. Her ethic is impressive and if she inspires younger players to play like her, well, the future of Women’s Tennis will be bright.

Now, she may be a lady off the court but on the court she’s a street fighter. I don’t know what other description fits. She spikes the ball after holding serve, she screams in the face of her opponents and she’s always ready to move on to the next point. Danimal, as she’s rightly nicknamed, brings her spirit animal to play and it really comes out against players who are at the top order of the game.

The first time I saw Danielle, really saw her, I was watching her play against Angelique Kerber when Angie was #2 in the world back in 2019. After hitting, no no, smashing the ball, down the line for a winner she celebrated by letting out her animal in a roar. That was fine except, Angelique was standing in the surface box not too far away in front of her. Unsportsmanlike? You decide, I was shocked and in love at the same time. Fierce fighters just get me giddy. Dani has continued these hallmark reactions since she’s come to the spotlight.

As someone who also suffers with Endo I was extra enamoured to see her be transparent about her experience with the disease. It used to be ranked the top 15 painful conditions and I certainly can attest to that. Knowing that part of her professional career was mired by Endometriosis adds to why she’s an inspirational warrior.

Using fighter, warrior and animal just seems to take over when the topic is Danielle Collins. The funny thing about that is, the Dani I met on the St Pete court was all things lovely, sweet and encouraging. Without knowing me from Adam she told her charges “She looks like a great player!” As if just meeting her wasn’t enough already! Sheesh Danielle!

Danielle vs Iga AO 24 R2

This match against Iga Swiatek is one for the books. It was a true classic. Watching #62 play #1 as if those numbers mean nothing was electrifying. The word that I have stamped in my brain for this match is POWER. She played like a heavy weight boxer in the light weight division.

How does one pull off this level on the big stage? We know beating top order players is a feather Dani likes to put in her cap but she literally has all top order players aware of her vice. If they forget, she reminds them. She walks on court with the intention to show them that she does not care — she will either win or make them earn it.

I mentioned her trademark roars earlier but another one would be her expectation of her box. As I watched her demand they stand on their feet last night I couldn’t help but think this is a life lesson for me. If people are in your box/life as your supporters you should know. Your box has a job — to cheer for you and lift you up when you are facing monumental moments, especially if you need that type of support. She’s right. The box of cheerleaders for you has a job and they shouldn’t blend in with the spectators.

Dani’s take on her box is like,

“Did I do something good?” — let me hear it

“Did I do something bad?” — give me encouragement

“Did I go flat?” — lift me up!

Under no circumstance — be quiet! This fight is a street brawl, we’re all in this together. That’s the energy. Period.

The truth is, we all can read that she’s disgusted enough with herself if she doesn’t execute, her box is not there to tell her about it. Her box of people are there to keep her going against the odds she’s facing on court. I just love that.

Life Lesson Tip

Who’s in your box that you’re not clocking in as a loud, stand up, supporter — kick ’em out of your box! They just might be there to spectate and who needs that?

Back to the match — It was a “Thriller :)”

Iga wrote it on the camera at the end struggling to find words to write. She nailed it. It was indeed a thriller and although Danielle didn’t win last night, every person in the crowd would have felt that was money well spent to witness. Lifting your level doesn’t come easy for anyone. It puts a person firmly and squarely in a position to believe that the outcome they want is possible. You face the obstacle -Iga- without facing the obstacle, because the only thing that matters, is you playing out of yourself. The driver is your other self, the one who you believe exists inside you. That “you” has the wheel and foot on the gas.

This is the sensation I got when I watched Danielle play. That ability to step aside and let the animal take over. Danimal exhibits ruthless guts that can scare the other side. She imposes her will. Taking a set off of Iga Swiatek is nothing to scuff at considering Iga is a full level above most of the women on tour. Even Iga had to admit she already bought her ticket home after the second set. Her only hope was that Danielle would drop her level. With Danielle up 4–1 in the third set I want to believe the moment got the best of her and Iga was ready for the drop off. Champions find a way and Iga placed her bets on herself and got an incredible win that brought her seemingly to tears.

There are so many reasons tennis is my first love, but matches like this are one of my favorite reasons for loving this sport. Raw desire, guts, self belief. All the things we all need to make it to the winner’s circle of life. It’s the whole, “Be brave even if your voice is shaking” bit. Gets me everytime. Last night was an ultimate display of bravery from both players. Tremendous match that I’ll rewatch and enjoy in years to come. Thank you Danimal.

The Announcement by Danielle Collins

This year will be her last on tour. My heart is a little broken but I’ll get over it. I’ll be rooting for her in every single match to usher her off stage. It’s not easy to play with the heart of a lion and she embodies it so well. I’ll keep her highlight reels going here on Black Girl Talks Tennis until the curtain drops on her illustrious career. Way to play DC!

An ode to her best result — AO ‘22 Finals




Tricia Small
black girl talks tennis🎾🎾

I'm a writer, recruiter and tennis enthusiast. If any of these topics interest you, follow me & Subscribe!