How to Enslave Time in 2022

Make Daylight Savings Time your Lackey in 2022

Moses TY
Black Gold Podcast
4 min readMar 9, 2022


Photo by John Salvino on Unsplash

*This is from my “MTY Midweek Tribe” Newsletter 03/9/2022. I shared this with the tribe since Daylight Savings Time is coming up this Sunday.

Are you looking forward (pun intended) to the Spring spring of daylight savings time? I personally like to have an extra hour(s) of sleep in November to prep for the chaos of the holiday season that is sure to ensue after a good and filling Thanksgiving.

But, I may have a solution for you to be, dare I say, cheerful when your alarm goes off this Sunday. Are you ready for it? It’s really simple, and doesn’t cost a thing. Here it is:

Go to Bed an Hour Earlier.

That’s it!

Nothing else!

End of Midweek.

But seriously though! Doesn’t it make sense if you sleep for say, 7–8 hours, to go to bed an hour earlier to make absolutely sure that you get your rest so you can be your best the next morning? However, most people would keep their current schedule in order to sleep in because it’s the weekend, the time to escape the challenges and assignments of the past week by partying, watching the ‘Flix, staying up late for no specific reason. This is the current law of society of what Friday night to Sunday night is supposed to be.

This past Sunday, in Bible-study we covered Matthew 12:1–14 where Jesus is questioned about how his disciples are harvesting grain (it’s kind of like they were eating sunflower seeds in a field) on the Sabbath, a day that people refrained from work to focus on God. Jesus crafts a genius argument against the Pharisees (the public defenders of the D.A’s office of the time, the Temple) using their own case history against them, citing the actions of King David as evidence that his disciples’ action is justifiable, making it a slam dunk in his favor! Then Jesus says to them, The Son of Man is no lackey to the Sabbath, he’s in charge.” He then proves this by healing a random man’s crippled hand…in their face! That’s gangster!

Image from author

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The word lackey indicates someone that is like a slave or an errand boy, serving the whims of a person in a position of power.

When I saw the word lackey, I can imagine seeing Colin Firth in a Guy Ritchie film telling off his boss yelling at the top of his lungs, “I ain’t ya lackey mate!”

When Jesus states that he isn’t a lackey to the Sabbath, he is stating that the Sabbath isn’t something that can boss him around, but that he is free to do whatever he wants since he is…Jesus. (The translation that I read from mainly is The Message from Eugene Peterson, who I had the pleasure to ask questions as part of a filmed panel of students at my school in 2009. I’ll put out a BOLO and send it to you when I find it.)

Upon reading this, it made me realize that I don’t have to be a lackey to the Law of the Weekend, wasting time on frivolous pursuits and mindless actions. I can control what I do and don’t do on the weekend in order to ensure next week will be better than the last. Whether that be creating a “To-Do” List or schedule for the upcoming week, practicing a skill, or yes..sleep in an extra hour(s), to ensure that I can make the most out of the time that I have to myself in the morning before the requirements of the day take away those precious moments to think and act in the world’s silence.

So, don’t be a lackey to the weekend. Command and marshall that time to focus on what really matters rather than the latest hit on TV, or going to the new club down the street. Who knows what you might be able to accomplish. Turning the weekend into your lackey may be the best thing to ever happen to you.

Go to Bed an Hour Earlier so you can Carpe that Diem!

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Moses TY
Black Gold Podcast

Child of God. Writer. Student. Host of the Black Gold Podcast ***Like an Article? Clap to show support!