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Brexit So Far & What Comes Next

Alex Tiffin
Published in
8 min readMar 10, 2019


O n Tuesday, MPs will vote on the Brexit deal Prime Minister Theresa May negotiated with the European Union (EU). Like in January, it is widely expected to be voted down. The main reason for this is that nothing has changed.

January 15th 2019, Theresa May’s deal was rejected by a majority of 220 votes. This the biggest defeat ever for a sitting government. Usually a defeat of this magnitude would bring down a government. However, we are in strange times.

The current government was found in contempt of parliament and still they carried on. The Prime Minister is intent of ploughing on regardless.

After the defeat in January, May told the House of Commons she would go back to the EU to gain assurances on the Irish backstop. The backstop is what so many MPs have issues with, no more so than The Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) which the government rely on to retain a majority.

What Is The Irish Backstop?



Alex Tiffin

Freelance journalist covering politics with a specific interest in welfare, disability & world events. I present facts so you can make informed decisions.