Kashmir — A History and Why We Need To Stand With Them More Than Ever

Alex Tiffin
Black Isle Media
Published in
12 min readMay 3, 2020


Placards in Support of Kashmir Following the Removal of Article 370 | Credit: Paul BeckerCC BY 2.0

The final status of Kashmir is a shadow that has hung over India and Pakistan since the partition of British India in 1947. Indeed, it has been the main reason for hostilities between the two nuclear armed states over the years. While both countries initially agreed that the people of Kashmir should be allowed to decide their own future status, neither state has ever put forward legitimate proposals to carry out a joint referendum in the contested area. However, despite the various United Nations (UN) resolutions and bilateral agreements, India has now incorporated Indian Administered Kashmir (IaK) into the Indian State in a way that effectively removes any route to self determination. To make matters worse, the international community has stayed largely silent on unfolding events in India.

A Brief History of Kashmir and Jammu up to 1947

Since its annexation by the Mughal empire in 1589 AD, Kashmir has never been ruled by Kashmiris themselves. After the Mughals, the region was ruled by the Afghans…



Alex Tiffin
Black Isle Media

Freelance journalist covering politics with a specific interest in welfare, disability & world events. I present facts so you can make informed decisions.