US Secretary for State, Mike Pompeo | Credit: Gage SkidmoreCC BY-SA 2.0

Mike Pompeo Threatens To Intervene In British Democracy To Stop Corbyn Becoming Prime Minister

Alex Tiffin
Black Isle Media
Published in
6 min readJun 9, 2019


US Secretary for State Mike Pompeo has come under fire after a recording emerged of him saying he’d intervene to stop Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn becoming Prime Minister. In the recording first reported by the Washington Post, Pompeo suggests he won’t wait for Corbyn to be elected, rather he’ll attempt to stop it from being possible.

The off the record meeting was from when The Secretary for State met Jewish leaders to discuss Donald Trump’s proposed Peace Deal between Palestine and Israel.

Apart from appearing un-optimistic about the Peace Deal, he found time to comment on UK politics. When asked by an attendee;

if Corbyn “is elected, would you be willing to work with us to take on actions if life becomes very difficult for Jews in the U.K.?”

Pompeo gives a very clear response. Considering the allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential elections, the irony here is inescapable. The top US diplomat told those in attendance;

“It could be that Mr Corbyn manages to run the gantlet and get elected. It’s possible. You should…



Alex Tiffin
Black Isle Media

Freelance journalist covering politics with a specific interest in welfare, disability & world events. I present facts so you can make informed decisions.