Canada Is No Longer a Judeo-Christian Society

The Trudeau government has changed everything… for the worse.

Eric Pilon
5 min readApr 30, 2024


Before Justin Trudeau became Prime Minister of Canada, the sky of Islam had never been so blue over the country. For reasons known only to him, Trudeau has developed a particular fondness for Islam; a fondness that turned into a dangerous obsession and changed Canada forever.

Justin Trudeau’s Islamist Crusade

A report from the Family Research Council’s Center for Religious Liberty should have set off alarm bells, but was met with utter indifference: under the leadership of Justin Trudeau, Canada comes in third place on the list of Western nations that discriminate against Christians. This is not surprising when considering that Trudeau has remained silent on the approximately 1,000 churches that were vandalized, burned or desecrated in the country over the last three years.

As Peter Menzies wrote in The Epoch Times: “When it is no longer politically important for the leader of a nation to condemn acts of intimidation, arson, vandalism, and violence against Jewish and Christian places of worship, it’s pretty obvious that the nation’s foundational moral and philosophical foundation — once referred to as Judeo-Christian values — is no longer in place.”

Trudeau has also remained silent on four Muslim terrorist attacks that occurred on Canadian soil: two in Alberta, one in Quebec and another in the capital, Ottawa, the latter two having taken place two days apart in 2014. Trudeau has never honored the victims of these attacks, as he does every year for those of the Quebec City mosque shooting.

Same blackout with regard to an obscure organization advocating terrorism, the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, accused of being a branch of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and a supporter of Hamas. Because of these opaque affiliations, PayPal, Donorbox, Plaid, MasterCard, Visa and American Express blocked any donation to the “NGO”. Far from being disturbed by this setback, the latter organizes numerous noisy demonstrations across Canada without any consequences.

For that matter, the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is involved in the anti-Semitic movement that has wreaked havoc in Canada since the atrocities committed by Hamas against Israelis on October 7, 2023. Despite these events that reek of fundamentalism, Trudeau is defending Muslims over Canadian Jews. “The past few months have not been easy for Muslim and Arab Canadians”, he tweeted on January 29, 2024. “To those who I spoke with today, who shared that message with me: Your pain, your fear, and your hurt have not gone unnoticed. I hear you — and I am focused on working with you to make things better.”

Again, let’s quote Peter Menzies: “The prime minister (…) not only resisted noting the six-month anniversary of the Oct. 7 attack on Israel by Hamas that started the war in Gaza, but he had nothing to say on his social media accounts regarding the vandalism discovered at a synagogue in the early hours of April 19.”

This was to be expected: in 2016, the current Prime Minister said that ISIS terrorists returning to Canada would become “powerful voices” against radicalization, accusing those who opposed their return of being Islamophobic.

But it is not the words nor the silence that are most striking about Trudeau, but his many gestures that rolled out the red carpet for Islamism in Canada.

A Welcoming Land for Fundamentalists

In 2011, Justin Trudeau, who, at the time, was a simple MP within the Liberal Party of Canada, visited the Al Sunnah Al Nabawiah mosque, in Montreal. Why he chose this mosque is a thousand-dollar question as it was part of a list of nine Islamic institutes worldwide considered by the U.S. military to be places where “known Al-Qaeda members were recruited, facilitated or trained”, according to leaked classified U.S. intelligence documents.

In 2018, it was reported that three Canadians were among eighteen preachers banned from entering Denmark. These three fundamentalist preachers, whom the Trudeau government has never called out, are Bilal Philips, Mazin Abdul-Adhim, and Mohammed Alshareef. The first one spends most of his time abroad, but the latter two roam free in Trudeau’s Islamic sanctuary.

They’re not the only ones, as the far-left Prime Minister cannot make do with protecting individuals; he also subsidizes terrorist organizations.

The Islamic Society of North America, despite being sanctioned by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) due to a transfer of funds of around $136,000 to terrorist entities in Kashmir, has received financial assistance from the Trudeau government for years. The irony is that three ISNA affiliates, the ISNA Development Foundation, Islamic Services of Canada, and Canadian Islamic Trust Foundation (CITF), have had their charitable status revoked in the past.

Canada is also one of the main sponsors of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), rightly viewed as an accomplice of Hamas. It is commonly known that members of the UNRWA were involved in the atrocities of October 7, 2023, which is why many States stopped funding it, unlike Canada.

We also know that schools run by UNRWA have been used to hide weapons and distribute textbooks with anti-Semitic content intended for kids. The problem has persisted for more than two decades within the UN agency, but for Justin Trudeau, the idea of helping the “poor Palestinian victims” takes precedence over everything else.

Trudeau’s Islamist Collaborators

Under Trudeau, the Liberal Party of Canada has attracted people close to the Islamist movement. Among them are Iqra Khalid and Omar Alghabra.

Iqra Khalid is a Pakistani who arrived in Canada sometime in the 1990s. In April 2018, Khalid participated in an event called Land Day, hosted by Palestine House, an organization promoting Palestinian culture. She had presented an award to the head of Palestine House’s public relations department, Amin el-Maoued. El-Maoued was investigated in 2017 after he attended a rally in Mississauga where protesters chanted anti-Semitic and genocidal slogans.

Perhaps Khalid ignored or failed to acknowledge that in 2012, the Conservative government had ended subsidies to Palestine House, knowing that it supported extremism. According to a spokesperson for former Conservative Immigration Minister Jason Kenney, Palestine House celebrated the release of terrorists and honored the founder of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

As for Omar Alghabra, he blamed the CanWest newspapers for labeling Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorist organizations. In a 2006 interview with the Jewish Tribune, Alghabra refused to condemn Islamist suicide bombers and criticized the Toronto police chief for participating in a charity march in honor of Israel. When the Ontario government refused to authorize the use of Sharia law among the Muslim diaspora, Alghabra said he was disappointed with this decision.


CBC #1, #2, Eric Pilon #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, Gatestone Institute, Justin Trudeau, Lifesite News, MEMRI, The Canadian Jewish News, The National Post, TNC

