Democrats, Plato’s Republic, and the End of Parents’ Rights

If he were alive today, Plato would certainly be a Democrat.

Eric Pilon
4 min readOct 5, 2023


In his Republic, Greek philosopher Plato had envisioned the “perfect society” where children would be torn away from their parents to be educated by guardians. In the 19th and 20th centuries, Marxists took up the idea in their own way and made sure kids would be receptive to the communist ideology through school indoctrination.

Today’s far-left alliance has picked up the ball by suppressing the right of parents to be informed of what their children are taught at school. Canadian Liberals and U.S. Democrats, who are natural allies of this movement, rushed to align themselves with this vision that has made enormous gains in recent years while the masses were looking the other way. And this rise in power constitutes a serious threat to national cohesion.

A Radical and Dangerous Movement

That sectarian movement is wreaking havoc in the United States under the eyes of compliant media. After landing in higher education establishments, it successfully infiltrated schools and school districts. Parents Defending Education showed that 1,044 school districts in the United States “openly state that district personnel can or should keep a student’s transgender status hidden from parents.”

American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten said it out loud: “Parents claim they have the right to shape their kids’ school curriculum. They don’t.”

Yet, parents have every reason to shape their kids’ school curriculum. In several schools, books describe incestuous rape, celebrate gender dysphoria and depict boys having oral sex, most often with graphic images.

You would think that politicians would have stepped in to slow down the train, but they didn’t. On the contrary, they are unequivocal in their messages: if you oppose the trans movement, you are part of the far-right fringe, they repeat emphatically.

Parents Are Fascists

In April 2022, U.S. President Joe Biden showed his true colors at the 2022 Teacher of the Year ceremony held at the White House when he stated that children belonged to teachers when they were in the classroom. The president’s words were echoed throughout Democratic states, such as California, where a bill, which was finally vetoed by the California Governor, would have required all judges overseeing custody disputes involving transgender children to favor the mother or father who accepts the child’s new gender.

When, on March 22, 2023, House Republicans voted overwhelmingly to pass legislation to protect parental rights, far-left Democratic Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called them fascists. In California, the epicenter with Oregon of the neo-Marxist epidemic, Attorney General Rob Bonta filed a lawsuit against the Chino Valley school district for requiring schools to notify parents if their children changed their gender.

In Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau criticized a policy implemented by the government of New Brunswick that prevents schools from allowing children under 16 to change their name or pronoun without parental consent. The PM went even further: he and many other left-wing politicians condemned the peaceful demonstrations that took place across Canada on September 20 for the strengthening of parental rights in schools. It was a show of force from parents concerned about the expansion of gender ideology.

On Twitter, Trudeau had this to say: “We strongly condemn this hate and its manifestations, and we stand united in support of 2SLGBTQI+ Canadians across the country — you are valid and you are valued.”

The Parents’ Response

Radical Democrats in the United States, as well as their Liberal and New Democratic Party mates in Canada, should have learned from the 2021 elections in Virginia. Terry McAuliffe, the Democratic candidate for governor in that state, had made a remark during a debate that parents should not be involved in K-12 public education. Until then, McAuliffe was leading the campaign, but he was beaten at the finish line by his Republican opponent, Glenn Youngkin.

What happened in Virginia has happened or is happening elsewhere. In Canada, as we have seen, the movement has so far evolved into demonstrations, but in the United States, it is directly repelling the barbarian invasions. Among the opposing groups is Moms for Liberty, which has 120,000 members and nearly 300 sections in 45 American states. Moms for Liberty has grown so much in influence that in 2022, more than half of the 500 candidates it endorsed for local school board elections won their races.

A poll conducted earlier this year found that 75% of American voters support requiring schools to obtain parental consent before assisting students in their gender transition, according to data released by Parents Defending Education.

But this counter-offensive is not accomplished without clashes. Both in Canada and the United States, the left-wing media, subservient to Democrats and Liberals, constantly lash out at parents, calling them “hateful fascist bigots”, a nightmare “for schools across the country” or even “extremists” devoted to spreading “messages of anti-inclusion and hate.”


Fox News, National Review (via Yahoo News), Kanekoa the Great, Rebel News, The Federalist, The Free Press, The New York Post, The Toronto Sun, TNC

