Here’s What You Need to Know About the Mask

Not all scientists agree on the effectiveness of the facial object.

Eric Pilon
4 min readSep 5, 2023


In the left and far-left echo chamber, there is talk of the possible return of mask mandate. Some universities, colleges and hospitals, for that matter, have already put the facial object back on the table. But if there is only one thing you should remember about it, it is that the scientific consensus on its effectiveness, which the media and public authorities have praised so much, has never existed.

Remember: from the start of the pandemic, we were told that it was not necessary to wear a mask. On March 30, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) admitted that there was no evidence to confirm that wearing a mask in the community had a beneficial effect.

Since then, studies have certainly shown that the facial object could curb the transmission of the coronavirus, but others have proven just the opposite; worse: some even pointed out its dangers. Hence the statement at the beginning of this text: the scientific consensus on the effectiveness of the mask is a figment of the imagination, or even a lie.

So why do public authorities and the media insist on imposing mask mandates? Simple answer: it’s all about politics and power.

The Politicization of the Pandemic

Ask any reasonable political analyst: those leaning to the left have always harbored a desire to restrict population movements. It’s in their DNA.

Classical liberals were staunch defenders of individualism. In modern times, liberalism has morphed into a collectivist ideology. Collectivism assumes that all members of society have to abide by the law, but also conform to social norms dictated by the elites, whether they are governments or public figures in positions of influence.

These few lines partly explain the reality experienced by Western populations since 2020. But there is more.

During the early stages of the pandemic, U.S. President Donald Trump, a Republican, did not wear a mask in public, unlike most of his Democratic opponents, including Joe Biden. This difference in behavior between the two men was described in the liberal media this way: the mask is cool and, why not, a sign of collective wisdom. So Trump was wrong and Biden right.

From then on, the pandemic became a political tool the Democrats used excessively while the electoral campaign for the presidential elections was in formation. But some experts, at the time, were already sending us a warning: wearing a mask is not necessarily a useful way to avoid catching COVID-19.

Those knew what they were talking about because they relied on scientific studies that the media and the far-left echo chamber preferred to ignore.

Studies Ignored by the Media and Politicians

China, that great expert in the most brutal form of enlightened dictatorship and above all the epicenter of COVID-19, appealed to Western governments in February-March 2020: tell your flocks to wear the mask at all times. The message was clearly understood on this side of the world.

As for the scientists who stood up against mask mandates, they had to change their tune, at the risk of being sanctioned or losing their jobs. They had to remain silent even though they knew very well that there had never been a consensus on the matter. Never.

They knew, for instance, that in an article published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, a German team highlighted the side effects caused by the wearing of masks. Keywords: fatigue, respiratory failure, headaches, and so on.

The Federalist listed many other studies — more than fifteen — on this subject. All these studies, of course, did not get any attention in the mainstream media. Yet, the risks of wearing a mask are considerable: “Ventilation, cardiopulmonary exercise capacity and comfort are reduced by surgical masks and highly impaired by FFP2/N95 face masks in healthy individuals and strongly altered by masks”, a study stressed on the National Library of medicine’s website.

According to another study, the air circulating between the surface of the mask and the face is likely to be constantly stale and can contain 20 times the normal concentration of CO2 as well as hundreds of other substances cleared from the lungs. Taiwanese scientists also demonstrated that microfibers may break off from the fabric covering the mask and eventually lodge in the lungs. In short, a whole chemical cocktail.

A “Cover-Up”

So the conclusion is clear: we were lied to about the effectiveness of the mask, just as the truth was hidden from us about the so-called scientific consensus.

Documents recently obtained from the U.S. National Institutes of Health show that public health officials have used inaccurate information and misrepresented medical data to advance their mask policy goals.

Among these documents is a letter sent in November 2021 to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) by epidemiologist Michael Osterholm, from the University of Minnesota, and seven of his colleagues, who warned the CDC that by “misrepresenting the evidence” and giving the public “false expectations”, government experts were “damag[ing] the credibility of science.”

The authors of the letter urged the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) to remove the suggestion from its website that masking up prevents serious illnesses and catching COVID-19.


Eric Pilon, NCBI #1, #2, Service d’Orthophonie et d’Audiologie du Centre hospitalier universitaire Ste-Justine, The Epoch Times,The Federalist

