Open Border Policy: The Democrats’ Key Strategy to Infinite Power

Eric Pilon
Published in
4 min readFeb 19, 2024

The border invasion is not an accident of history; it is a deliberate policy.

Recent polls show that half of Americans believe that politicians have deliberately tried to change the U.S.’s demographics for political gain using immigration policies. Would it be that one American in two is a true conspiracy theorist?

Too simple, and here’s why: as soon as 2002, the political scientist Ruy Teixeira and the journalist John Judis published a book called The Emerging Democratic Majority, in which they argued that demographic changes would soon usher in a “new progressive era” that would relegate Republicans to permanent minority political status. And this new emerging majority, according to the two authors, was inexorable and inevitable.

This is where we are, 22 years later: the Democrats are opening the southern border gates to get more votes in the long term. And unlike what mainstream media say, this assumption is no conspiracy theory.

The Border Invasion: A Deliberate Policy

January 21, 2018: A memo from the Center for American Progress (CAP) Action Fund, co-authored by Jennifer Palmieri, former White House Communications Director under Barack Obama, shows that, in order to secure additional votes, the Democratic Party seeks to protect illegal immigrants brought to the United States by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).

Fast forward to July 28, 2021: an email sent jointly by Immigration Hub, People’s Action, Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and Voto Latino to the Senate Democratic Caucus House and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee outlines the various ways to win back the Latin community. Among the propositions was early access to citizenship to increase the chances of battlefield victories in 2022.

These guidelines have since been put into effect by the current administration, for which the border invasion is less important than the future of the Democratic Party.

In July 2021, Washington announced that it would speed up asylum claim processing for migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border while also streamlining deportations for those who don’t qualify. In addition, the president’s fiscal budget presented on March 28, 2022, included cuts in funding for Immigration and Customs Enforcement by 8%, despite an expected tidal surge in migrants. In contrast, the government increased funding by a whopping 700% for “noncitizen processing and care.”

On the other hand, Customs and Border Protection officials can no longer send back migrants using Title 42, a legal tool that restricted immigration during COVID-19. And the Biden administration has contracted for hotel space in many places across the U.S. to house illegal migrants while they’re provided medical care, hot meals, and other services.

Local Democrats in a few states even went further by allowing noncitizens to vote in local elections, thus adding potential voters to the party.

Other Ethnic Communities Come to the Rescue

These well-planned strategies would work perfectly if it weren’t for a recent change in mood among certain communities. In 2012, 62% of naturalized immigrants identified as Democrats, compared to 25% who were Republicans and 13% independents. Latin American immigration flipped former Republican strongholds to the Democratic Party in many parts of the United States.

For a time, the Democrats kept these numbers in mind when implementing border policies. However, the political framework has been transformed in recent years, that is, the Latin vote has increasingly turned to Republicans. A December 2023 Reuters/Ipsos poll showed that Hispanics were favoring Trump over Biden (38% compared to 37%). And according to a joint USA Today/Suffolk University poll, Trump has a 5-point lead (39% against 34%) over Biden among the same community.

This new reality pushed the Democrats to rely on other ethnic communities, among them Muslims, but also Chinese and Africans. And this is where NGOs enter the scene.

A Change of Narrative

The irony about the border crisis is that Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and even Joe Biden himself used to be opposed to illegal migration. Here’s what Biden once said: “No great nation can be in a position where they can’t control their borders. It matters how you control your borders. Not just for immigration, but it matters for drugs, terror, and a whole range of things.”

But in a time of deep division in America, where MAGA supporters hold the line, the Democrats have suddenly woken up to the importance of immigration as a vote-feeding machine.

All these reasons explain why the border crisis, under Joe Biden, does not seem to fade away, despite the disaster it causes.


CNBC, Fox News, Newsbusters #1, #2, Politico #1, #2, Tablet, The New Republic, The New York Post, Zero Hedge

