Their World Was Fine, Until They Entered the Islamists’ Den

Naive Liberals pay a high price for their affection for Islam as these 7 examples demonstrate.

Eric Pilon
5 min readJul 5, 2024


For some reason, many modern liberals grow attached to cultures that clash with traditional Western values. This is evidenced in their approach towards the Islamic question. According to the prevailing belief in radicalized Liberal circles, racism and colonialism are deeply ingrained in white Christians’ education, resulting in other religions and races being victims of this condition.

Kids in affluent liberal neighborhoods are thus exposed to an environment where non-Western cultures are viewed as more stimulating than their own. Consequently, many of these kids conceive social relationships through blind idealism, assuming that the “others” can only be good regardless of their faith and cultural traits. This vision leads some of them straight into the Islamist trap, or worse, to the morgue.

Here are what I see as the worst cases of “liberal angelism” of recent years.

Case Number 7: Judith S.

Judith S. (her name was never disclosed) was in love with an Afghan man named Fahim Z., who took advantage of Germany’s very welcoming policies towards Muslims. “Judith (…) assumed that these men (Muslims) had a difficult past (and) needed her support”, said Christine S. about her daughter’s toxic relationships.

At one point, Judith feared for her life, as she had been beaten many times by her Afghan boyfriend. She needed protection and requested help from her brother. Despite these precautions, she was murdered in 2022 by Fahim Z., who stabbed her 45 times. The man attacked her from behind, then stabbed her face and upper body “with an unconditional will to destroy.”

Cases like these unfortunately abound.

Case Number 6: Princeton University

This story is almost comical in highlighting the naivety of some on the far left of the political spectrum when it comes to Islam.

Ten years ago, Princeton University established a center to facilitate a student exchange program between the U.S. and Iran. As any rational mind outside academic circles would have expected, this turned out to be a misguided decision.

In early 2015, Princeton welcomed its first candidate for the new program. Interestingly, the student was not Iranian, but a Chinese-American named Wang Xiyue. Xiyue would later face a harsh reality: the Iranian program was a trap.

At first, Xiyue was reluctant to go to Tehran as he was justifiably concerned about his security. However, he ended up trusting Princeton officials who assured him it was a good time to go to Iran and that he had to take advantage of the Iranians’ “good mood”.

Six months after he arrived in Tehran, Xiyue was arrested on espionage charges and sent to prison, where he spent more than three years, at times in solitary confinement. The student sued Princeton and both parties settled out of court.

Case Number 5: Vivian Silver

Vivian Silver, a Canadian-born peace activist, always defended Palestinians and was very critical of the Israeli government’s war against them.

On October 7, 2023, just before the Hamas massacres, she gave an interview to a radio station in which she objected to the idea that Palestinians were radical. Until the last minute of her existence, she professed her admiration for the people of Gaza.

Later that day, she was kidnapped and killed by Hamas.

Case Number 4: Vittorio Arrigoni

Here’s another case involving Palestinians.

Vittorio Arrigoni was an Italian activist championing the Palestinian cause. He had condemned Israel’s three-week offensive that started in late 2008. As a matter of fact, he was very critical of the sole presence of Israel in the region.

This man who was once pictured along with the head of Hamas’s government, Ismail Haniya, lived alone in Gaza, strolling the streets without protection. In short, he loved Palestinians and always thought he was one of them.

This love affair, though, would seal his fate: on April 15, 2011, his body was found in a house in Gaza.

Case Number 3: Miles Routledge

Sometimes, angelism equals stupidity. As proof, the case of Miles Routledge, a former physics student from Birmingham who developed a fondness for the Taliban.

Routledge traveled to Afghanistan in 2021 on a fake U.S. passport just for fun. He rubbed shoulders with the Taliban, or the “Talibro”, as he called them, and shared his experiences on social media.

Then the inevitable happened: the Liberal lunatic was arrested by Taliban fighters on March 2, 2023, along with two Polish nationals, Adrian Wojcik and Roman Bilsi. He was held on suspicion of espionage on behalf of the “notorious criminal organization MI5.”

He was eventually released in October 2023. Upon returning to the UK, he expressed his desire to visit his Talibro again.

Case Number 2: Paul Buyse and Muriel Borré

Paul Buyse was a Belgian artist and Muriel Borré a teacher. The couple was living in the northern Brussels district of Molenbeek, a breeding ground for Muslim terrorism. Buyse and Borré wanted to help Mohamed Ritab, an illegal thug, by allowing him to stay at their home.

As a thank-you for this act of generosity, Ritab stabbed the couple to death in May 2024. Since then, radio silence about this case from the media, which aren’t willing to deviate from their multicultural and pro-Islam narrative.

Case Number 1: Jay Austin and Lauren Geoghegan

“Evil is a make-believe concept. By and large, humans are kind. Self-interested sometimes, myopic sometimes, but kind. Generous and wonderful and kind. No greater revelation has come from our journey than this.” — Jay Austin, April 5, 2018.

Yes, people are wonderful…

In July 2017, Jay Austin and his girlfriend, Lauren Geoghegan, decided to travel around the world. Before choosing Central Asia as their next destination, they biked across Africa and made a European tour.

Austin was very vocal on social media about the trip and he had only good words about the world he was discovering. He once pointed out that the “oft-maligned batch of humans that occupy this planet are largely good and kind.”

He and his partner would soon get to see how “humans that occupy this planet are largely good and kind”: on July 29, 2018, both were killed while cycling in the Danghara District, in Tajikistan. Two more tourists were injured at the same time. Five Islamist men rammed them with their car before stepping out of it and stabbing them.

Apparently, Tajikistan is popular with touring cyclists because of its scenic mountain roads, as if there weren’t any other bicycle paradise in the world.


Dexerto, Medforth, Outside, Semafor, The Daily Mail, The European Conservative, The New York Times, The Times of Israel

