Welcome to Black One Headquarters

Black One Entertainment
Black One Entertainment
7 min readOct 8, 2021

You‘ve waited patiently for an update while we‘ve been building fervently (and sweating a lot in the last months). So without further ado, we’re glad to present you with a look inside some of Black One’s premises.

  1. The Headquarters
  2. How to get to Black One
  3. The surrounding area
  4. Last but not least

1. The Headquarters

We’re located in a building that combines old and new. On the foundation of a former gate of the Osram factory premises, a spectacular 7-story building was built. Designed by a German architectural firm, the outside is drawing gazes of the passersby who more than often take pictures.

And overall, despite being in the middle of the city the outside is filled with lots of greenery like huge trees, plants and colourful flower beds.

So here we go with the current exterior:

Front view of our main entrance
View of the back of the building
View from our studio into the private inner yard that we use for relaxing and barbecues. The yellow building in the back is where we use dance studios for training.
The inner yard is even more beautiful with the lights at night….

And now without further ado here are more impressions of the inside (day and night):

Meeting/Eating Area
Let’s have a coffee/beverage and chat :)
Some team members working till late….
Welcome to our production and writing studio
Lots of plants and vibey lights to set the creative tone. And that view 😮
Let’s produce and record some songs shall we :)
Studio at night
Several restrooms on hotel level :)
Fully equipped kitchen, so the chef can cook healthy and nutritious meals and everyone else can focus on what they do best
We hope to welcome you here soon :)

Summing up these are some of the key functions that our HQ fulfils:

  • Main and private back entrance
  • Office Space and Meeting/Eating Area
  • Kitchen and Coffee Bar
  • Full-fledged recording studio with sound insulation, instruments, etc.
  • Several Bathrooms and Shower
  • Lots of Storage and Private Cellar
  • Underground Parking Garage
  • Private Locked Inner Yard (also for barbecue and chilling)
  • 24h Video Security / Alarm System
  • Elevator
  • Dance Studio is located in adjacent Osram Höfe 50meters away (photos will follow later) and can be accessed through the private inner yard (so no need to even leave the premises)

Also please note that at this point we will not release photos of some other more private additional areas. For instance, the currently unfinished relaxation/napping/gaming area, which we might show off later.

The construction process:

Construction/Interior Design was tedious and mostly done by our team. Hiring handymen often does not yield the same attention to detail we require. And here are some pictures of the building/interior process that was lots of sweat, cardboard but also learning new skills.

Floorplan and design planning….
Lots of transport and deliveries
Building, Building and Building. And the baby daughter of the CEO is helping too :)
Left: Afraid of heights? Wall height is 3,60m…Right: Acoustic Panels (expensive) waiting to be mounted into the air and onto the walls
And so much cardboard trash…”the pyramid of cardboard”

And now we are about 90% finished. What is still missing? Small beautifications: like some pictures on the wall, the napping/gaming area and small upgrades/tweaks that make work and production even more comfortable and enjoyable. Every week we order something on the internet to upgrade.

And we celebrated the “almost finishing” with a very small family and neighbours only event with a big Bulgogi, Kimchi Korean buffet. The initially planned bigger party we had to cancel to unclear Corona rules and also simply since we did not have the time and energy. But we are now inviting our friends and also our business partners one by one over the next months to visit us at our Headquarters.

Some handmade Bulgogi Steak :)
Small but very fine private event. Not too big…it is still Corona times…

2. How to get to Black One

And how do you get to Black One? It is very easy.

Public Transport:

From the main station (Berlin HBF) — 22 minutes total : Take the M8 or M10 Tram till Naturkundemuseum. Transfer to U6 Subway and get off at Seestraße. Walk 500 Meters (6 Minutes) to reach Malplaquetstraße.

From anywhere else in Berlin most of the time by tram: Take Tram 50, get off at Osram Höfe. Walk 50 metres, turn left and there you are. Here is a quick video walk giving an impression of the surroundings.

Getting off at Osramhöfe Tram station. Just walk then 50 metres more and you reach the private entrance of our HQ, or walk 20 metres more and left then you reach the main entrance.

By Car

Guests of Black One and of course talent/artists will be picked up by car transport whether it is from the airport or also the main station. Our building is very close to the inner city highway (A100 exit Seetraße) meaning fast access to any place in the city or elsewhere. We have two cars at disposal and soon a Black One branded van and also a small city Smart might be added to the car fleet.

Important note: Unsolicited visits are not wished for. Please only come to visit with an invitation since we value the privacy and security of our employees and also the talent/artists. There are also currently no plans for any in-person auditions. Thank you :)

3. The surrounding area

If you never have been to Berlin this is especially for you. Berlin is a vast and international city with lots of different districts that are all different in their “flavour” and feeling. We are in the Wedding/Mitte district that has a diverse and international population of German, Turkish and also lots of expatriates from all over the world. Wedding is a more affluent district than for instance Neuköln and has experienced lots of gentrification in the last years with rents surging and rarely an apartment being empty for rent because being immensely popular by many.

You can see the famous TV tower of Alexanderplatz. Müllerstraße is filled with tons of interesting shops, leisure and entertainment offers. At night the street resembles a bit Seoul Jongro.
Our favourite eating out place (Sam Yuk Gu Korean Restaurant), 2 minutes away from the office. Given that half of the team is Korean…. :)
Great coffee shops and greenery everywhere you look…

To sum up, all within 10 minute walking distance or one tram station (see map below):

  • Cineplex
  • Department Store
  • 10 supermarkets (Asian, Korean also included)
  • Lots of restaurants and eating places (German, Greek, Turkish,
  • Several Korean Restaurants (including Chicken Beer Place)
  • Several Public Parks
  • Fitness Studio
  • Doctors and Major Hospital
  • and so much more

4. Last but not least

Thank you for being so patient in waiting for this post. We are kinda perfectionists and we will not release anything prematurely (especially also music etc.). And also the HQ is still under construction and will grow more every day and will be filled by top talent of the world and together we might create something fun for others, or perhaps you, to enjoy.

Your support is very much appreciated :) Follow us on Instagram and/or sign up for the newsletter if you want to be notified about the next audition on https://www.blackone-entertainment.com/ under “Get Updates”. If you have questions head to our Tellonym.



Black One Entertainment
Black One Entertainment

We're on the mission to create the ultimate one-stop platform and creative playground for our artists.