Paris Mongo
Black Packers International
2 min readFeb 17, 2017


Creatively Be

Success is a means of personal expectations.

So why do we let others dictate our means of success and constantly compare our achievements to those of others?

Well I’m here to tell you, STOP IT!

We are our own worst critics, we have the power to defer ourselves from anything we want. Well dammit let’s reverse the cycle of self doubt and be our own biggest motivators!

You, that’s right YOU have the power to evoke real change and happiness in your life.

So how about let’s treat ourselves nicer, challenge ourselves, and acknowledge all that we are: strong, beautiful, and creative.

This shift in mind frame is what inspired me to unleash the creative genius within me. Challenging myself to counter every thought of negativity, self doubt, and hesitation with positive reinforcement of just how DOPE I truly am.

I have learned through embracing my thoughts through mediation, and I’m not talking sitting on the ground for hours saying “olm” no, my own form of meditation. Movement. I have challenged myself to run in silence, to embrace the sound of the frigid breeze against my ear, the soft snow falling through the trees, and the sun beating on my skin telling me, “be thankful for today, today is a new opportunity to be great, push further, no use in looking back, move forward, you got this”.

In this moment in time we can be anything we want to be. So how do we achieve our potential? We give ourself time and space to be great.

I have allotted myself uninterrupted creative time throughout my day to sit and create art work from my soul. Allowing my hands to dance along canvas freely and unapologetically. Through each piece I see a direct reflection of the type of person I am becoming, a deliberate creator or my own reality.

Through movement I have become free! And it is through this process of unfiltered, uncriticized movement that I have unchained the vibrant creative genius in me. Forget about the goals you did not meet and focus on the present, take the opportunity to cease the moment and creatively be!

