Inricka L
Black Packers International
3 min readFeb 17, 2017

Living in Thailand had me feeling like I was a star on the Real Housewives of Chiang Mai. The crew and I would go from trekking mountains on Sunday, to cliff diving on Tuesday, to lying on beaches by Wednesday, followed by brunch and massages Thursday, and topped the week off with pool parties on Saturday. There was never a dull moment, and with an abundance of things to explore in Thailand, it was very easy to get distracted.

As creative beings, whose hobbies are traveling and adventuring, we tend to reject structure, taking on a free flow form of life that is enjoyable, but not realistic in terms of smashing goals.

A goal without a plan is just a wish.

Although, it feels good to let the mind wander and the heart lead, establishing a routine to fit your lifestyle is important to maintain focus amidst the thrill and chaos of travel.

Many of us have a bad habit of rolling over from sweet sleep to check messages, emails, and social media while our bodies are still re-energizing. By doing this we are allowing other people’s needs and wants to enter our stream of consciousness before we have the chance to gain full awareness of our potential, focus, and intentions for the day. This pattern discourages self care, allowing us to consistently put others before ourselves; and as the good law states, “you must first help yourself before helping others.”

As we grow, and learn, and journey through life, we must keep in mind that happiness is not attained, it is created each and every single day. Therefore, discipline is fundamental to maintaining happiness. Without daily self care routines we run the risk of leaving our happiness up to other vices rather than taking charge to establish our peace of mind on a daily basis.

Being the wanderlust junkies we are, maintaining self care routines is difficult when constantly traveling from place to place. However, to combat the challenges of maintaining routines while on the move, make sure to do some research and plan ahead! (Remember: A goal without a plan is just a wish.) Ask yourself, what kinds of restaurants are near the ho(s)tel? Are there cafes, bookstores, or libraries that can serve as work space? Is there a park, gym, or yoga studio to physically recharge? What about a quiet space to meditate? We put so much effort into making sure we stay at top notch ho(s)tels, why wouldn’t we do the same with our self care?!

There is no better time than the present. Reflect on the patterns you wish to encourage and the ones you wish to change, day-by-day establishing a self care routine for you…and if you fall off do not fret, you are only human! Being aware of your downfalls is the first step to change.

Throughout your travels, beware of the people with whom you share your energy, always keeping your self care goals in mind. And be sure to find like-minded people who will hold you accountable amidst your wacky adventures on your daily journey to becoming the best version of you.

Travel light, love heavy, and always keep sweet!


