Open Letter to Colin Kaepernick

Black Power
Published in
2 min readJan 15, 2018

First, thank you for taking a stand and showing these other anti-woke players that they don’t have to be coons their whole lives. This whole free agent thing will pass and you may get signed again. If not, or in the meantime, let’s work on making a real difference. The symbolism of kneeling during the national anthem is cool, but do you know what’s better than symbolism? Power.

What would be really powerful would be a Black-owned NBA or NFL team that treats its players, and former players, like humans rather than livestock. NFL owners are a part of a gool ol’ boy club, so it won’t be easy, but remember, we have ALL the power in this situation. The NFL wouldn’t be shit without the players, and there happen to be a lot of Black ones. If enough of you refuse to play, the value of these teams decreases dramatically.

But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. First, comes the hardest part. Organizing a bunch of ego-maniacs to do something that’s good for them and their community, but they’re cousin/manager Pookie might not approve, and getting them to keep their mouths shut while you’re quietly organizing them. There’s always that one slave that snitches on the other slaves organizing a revolt. There will have to be real consequences for snitching, and it should be made very clear to everyone involved.

Whether we buy a team or build a new league, the status quo must change. Our parents and grandparents made real sacrifices during the Civil Rights Movement. We must do the same, but this time instead of sacrificing to be integrated with white people, we need to sacrifice to be independent from them. Anything else would be uncivilized.

