#2 Divided thus conquered

Black prophecy
Published in
2 min readMar 7, 2018

Even in the jungle, the tall trees provide shed and protection for the smaller and younger ones to grow.

What could possibly have occurred to the children of Men to dismiss the most fundamental of natural laws?

The oracle was drawn from his meditations by the voice of Ankule, the Banda clan chief:

“Speak now! Tell us from the gods! Is the new-comer a bringer of abundance?”

The Oracle walked to the centre of the assembly and one could sense the sorrow emanating from his saddened eyes. And his voice…his voice tore the air as does thunder the black sky on a new moon night.

“We have lost our way. Does any of you remember the oath taken to serve the people? Have you all grown so fond of your positions and privileges that court intrigues have come to elude the cries and lamentations of your people?

The gods have forsaken us! No more will we hear from them. No more will we enjoy their protection.

Allow me to remind you that under our king’s rule, the law forbade that he ever cross beyond the Nyongo river. And yet he did under your watch. You let him do to gain the favors of the stranger. You let him do to gain fire power over one another.

The gifts brought ashore by the stranger are ones of death : Firing sticks that kill quicker than arrows…Who then do you plan to kill at such quick pace? Your people? One another?

For centuries to come, it will be said that the new-comer divided us. But we owe truth to ourselves : He found us divided!

And we will further divide, making way for the scattering of our people across the world, bestowing shame on the beauty of our women and condemning the vigour of our sons to shackles and chains.

For centuries to come, the world will witness our fall, forgetting that our souls once shone as bright as our skins are dark. Forgetting that the barren black lands once gave shelter to the gods, and birth to human genius”

Far from there, beyond the Nyongo river, the king was meeting with the new comer. They called him the Mzungu because his skin was as light as the sky at dawn.

The paradox of existence is such that the arrival of the light-skinned man on the black lands coincided with the advent of the dark age for its people.

** Stay tuned for the coming episodes of #BlackProphecy, and please, do clap for the word to be spread**



Black prophecy

Soulseeker writing to document the past into the present, and the manifest the present into the future #wordscraftsman