Don’t bite your own tail.

You see this doggo? He’s biting himself in the tail. He won’t be able to go anywhere or do anything.

Don’t be like this doggo. Don’t bite yourself in the tail.

Don’t hold yourself back.

I’ve spoken to hundreds of entrepreneurs and developers in the past three years, and a common problem I hear almost every day is doubt.

People doubt the validity of their idea. They doubt their own ability to succeed.

Doubt clouds your judgement and follows you around.

Every time you sit down to start work and you feel doubt creeping up behind you, you bite your own tail.

You hold yourself back. You overanalyze your situation. You panic. You freeze.

“Am I good enough? Is my idea good enough? Do I have the resources necessary to solve this problem?”

If you keep letting doubt get to you, you will be paralyzed by fear and never get anything done.

You’re scared. So what?

Successful entrepreneurs I’ve spoken to also have doubts, just like their unsuccessful counterparts.

What’s the difference?

Successful people are able to push past the doubt and stop obsesssing over every little detail.

They make shit happen.

Whether that’s sending your first cold email or starting to code your prototype, overcoming doubt and making something happen is the first step to success.

Next time you feel yourself getting trapped by doubt, push past it. Make something happen.

Write a line of code. Draw a character outline. Hell, make all the rows in your spreadsheet beautifully colored.

Just start doing something, and the rest will follow.

Overcome your doubts and stop biting your own tail.

One day, you will be a happy, doubt-free, successful doggo:

Thanks for reading! I’m Raghav, Co-Founder of Black Shell Media — a marketing and PR studio for startups and independent game developers. Follow our Medium publication if you’re a game developer or entrepreneur who wants exclusive insights from industry professionals!



Raghav Mathur
The Game Development Library by Black Shell Media

Co-Founder and CEO @BlackShellMedia, a startup marketing and strategy consulting agency focusing on gaming and eSports. I love dogs, photography and writing.