What Is The “Black Women” Publication?

Black women stories: Hair, health, beauty, culture, finance

Destiny S. Harris
Black Women


Photo Credit: Black Women

Earlier today, I published a story on sister locs, and then realized I had a lot more to say about not only black hair but many other topics and experiences related to black women (including my own) in the form of — career, culture, entrepreneurship, hair, health, poetry, racism, personal development, relationships, etc.

Let’s say I was serendipitously inspired to create this publication as a safe haven for all who want to write about the black female experience.

Come join if you’re interested.

Pub Rules

For now, there are no rules for publication outside of the typical medium guidelines most of us already know about.

Get Added As A Writer

If you want to be added as a writer, leave a comment on this article.


The following topics are the theme of this publication, but I’m sure some articles will cross multiple categories. Be sure to tag your article using at least one of the tags. If you feel your article doesn’t belong in one of the categories, submit it anyway, and we will find a place for it. ❤

Tchua, xo
Destiny S. Harris

