Attention vs Credibility

Blackbird.AI Blog
Published in
6 min readFeb 7, 2019


The Attention Economy has hijacked the truth.

Experts are evenly split on whether the coming decade will see a reduction in false and misleading narratives online. Those forecasting improvement place their hopes in technological fixes and in societal solutions. Others think the dark side of human nature is aided more than stifled by technology. —

The internet was projected to be the greatest benefit of our social structure, and while it has brought about incredible progress, it has also been the near-death of journalism. Where once we relied on investigation and research to help in offering background and details, we now find that these traits have been replaced with sensationalist headlines and misinformation. The credentials, sweat, and tears that were shed by yesterday’s reporting have been substituted with the idea that anyone can be a writer, say whatever they want, and wrap it around the misguided concept of “truth.”

Journalism and truth have morphed into a constant battle of Attention vs. Credibility, and Attention has been winning.

