Tired of Airline Hassles? Fly the Blackbird Way.

BlackBird News
Published in
5 min readApr 17, 2017

You have places to be. Imagine driving up to a private terminal, where you are greeted with a smile by your host who takes your bag and whisks you directly to your airplane to meet your pilot. There are no lines or annoying security screening — and certainly no overbooking. Just a few minutes after you leave your car, you are sitting in a comfortable seat on your way to your destination. You leave the troubles of the world below you as you cruise above the crowded highways. Before you know it, you’re where you want to be. You get off the airplane, your car is waiting for you, and you’re free to go about your day — all in a fraction of the time that it takes to drive or to endure inconvenient airline hub connections.

That is the world of private air travel, a realm in which you regain control over your most important commodity — your time. You fly where you want, when you want, and how you want. Private air travel is an option that few people even begin to consider, as conventional knowledge suggests that the only options available are frustrating big airlines where you are just a number or long drives that consume your time and your patience. The travel options seem even worse when you consider that many of the places that you want to go have been left behind by the big airlines. Private air travel is the less conventional solution to your travel woes that many people don’t even realize is a possibility.

Does private air travel sound like the realm of the elite? Isn’t that sort of personalized service out of reach, except for the uber-wealthy? It shouldn’t be. That’s why we started Blackbird.

At Blackbird, we believe that private air travel should be available to everyone. You deserve to be treated as a valued guest, to be able to enjoy flying again, and to take back control of you valuable time — all at a price point that doesn’t strain your budget. Starting at just $175, Blackbird is making uncommon luxury and convenience commonly accessible.

Blackbird is your key to the world of private air travel. With our frictionless service, we employ the power to digital technology to connect you with quality air charter providers that will take you to where you want to be. With Blackbird you can buy a single seat on a well-appointed private airplane, bring along family or friends, or you can even charter an entire aircraft for a business trip — all without the stifling rules and crowds associated with airline travel.

Buying a seat on a scheduled Blackbird flight is easier than purchasing a ticket on any airline. Simply download the Blackbird app, and then select the city pair and the date. The price you see on your device is the price you pay — no hidden fees, gimmicks, or last minute surprises. Just a couple of short minutes using our intuitively designed app and your seat is confirmed! All that is left is to show up for your flight 15 minutes prior to departure, not the hour or more demanded by the airlines.

Even if a flight is not scheduled for the day that you want to fly, you can still find a way to fly in style where you want to go with Blackbird. This is where we put the power of crowdsourcing to work for you — you can enter into a pool of other guests interested in traveling on the same day you are. If enough bookings are received (sometimes as few as four), you’ll be informed 72 hours in advance that your flight is a go! You can even share your travel plans with your friends to find people who want to fly. There’s no risk to you; if enough bookings aren’t received, your money is refunded in full and you can cancel at any time. Blackbird’s free app gives you the power to create a schedule that suits you through digital crowdsourcing. That’s a powerfully flexible option that you won’t find using any airline.

When you are considering air travel, safety is one of your foremost concerns. Blackbird understands that — safety is our number one priority, too. The aircraft charter operators that we will connect you with are some of the best in the industry. Each one has earned an air carrier certificate from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and is subject to regular government inspections. The pilots at our air charter partners are among the most highly qualified in the business; each is a federally certified commercial or airline transport pilot with thousands of hours of experience. They receive regular recurrent training in advanced flight simulators that rival any found at a major airline training center, and they are specifically authorized by the FAA for each type of aircraft that they fly. The aircraft are maintained in a manner that is second to none; each airplane is cared for to standards that meet or exceed those found at any airline.

The aircraft themselves are smaller than those found at the airlines, but that doesn’t mean they are less advanced. The charter air carriers that Blackbird will match you with employ some of the most advanced aircraft to be found in the aviation industry today, with safety equipment and electronics that are on the leading edge of technological development.

Blackbird is disrupting the world of air travel by putting the power of scheduling and pricing back into the hands of you, the customer. We offer an experience free of big airport crowds, baggage claim waits, security lines, and confusing overbooking rules that make flying with the big airlines a miserable and often expensive proposition. Blackbird even lets you dictate when the airplanes fly through our exciting pool feature. We are giving you back your time and quickly connecting you with the business and vacation destinations you want to visit at a price that is easily within reach.

Blackbird currently offers scheduled flights on our charter partners from Palo Alto to Truckee-Lake Tahoe. More flights are coming in the near future — we are taking our concept nationwide. Visit us at flyblackbird.com to tell us where you want to go and download our app today. Welcome aboard Blackbird — where flying is the new driving.



BlackBird News

BlackBird makes flying more affordable than driving.