Blackbox Economic Model

Jason J Sosa
Blackbox AI
Published in
4 min readJul 18, 2018

There is a system that governs everything you do, what you focus on, and by a large degree, controls how you’ll live your life. One-third of your life is spent living, one-third spent sleeping, and the remaining one-third is spent working.

Work is one of the things we spend a lifetime doing, and only a moment truly contemplating.

Financial decisions play a significant part in choices about family, love, and death. Growing up, we were told things about how this system works, but the truth is much more complicated.

We’re all chasing dollars. We get up for our jobs, and few question why we’re indoctrinated to run around the maze of work for basic survival. People spend their first 20 years getting an education to get good jobs so they can make money. When they get the job, they enter into an agreement to accept less money than they’re worth. The profits of the employer are separated to cover costs.

This happens in three parts:

  1. Material costs
  2. Labor Costs
  3. Surplus

The surplus is the fruit of the labor + materials, with only a few people at the top (board members) deciding what to do with those profits. Executives have a myopic view of “fiduciary responsibility,” siding with capital and defining “shareholder” to mean those that provide the capital. The reality is that a community, municipality, tax payers, environmental, and economic impact should all be taken into account.

The root of the problem

The idea behind Blackbox is get to the root of the problem, which is the system itself. It is beyond repair. Incremental improvements won’t solve these systemic issues that are no longer working for a vast majority of people: boom and bust cycles every 7–10 years, manipulation by sophisticated players, piles of student debt, inequality, technology automation, corrupt politicians… Clearly, this is not sustainable.

Has anyone stopped to ask what’s the point? What are we running toward? The rapid advancement of technology is speeding up, and will only continue to do so. NOW is the time to evaluate the few years we have on this planet and guide a better future — based on core principles — for everyone and everything.

Blackbox believes that decentralization is a game changer. We now have a means to unite as a mesh network of workers, solving difficult problems through a merit-based system. Think of Blackbox more as a global “guild” that will enable anyone, regardless of what they look like, where they’re from, or socioeconomic status, to participate in a token economy based on reimagined system of governance and economic policy for surplus distribution through a standard measurement of value.

Women in the middle east have recently been granted the ability to drive, opening up opportunity for Uber and others to empower financial independence in that region. Similarly, Blackbox enables knowledge workers from around the world to be mentored, participate in, and contribute to real problem solving by focusing on intrinsic motivation.

Our model is unique. Unlike Upwork, Gigster, TopTalent, or others (blockchain equivalents on the crypto side) that match freelance workers to a marketplace of clients seeking deliverables, Blackbox looks at things very differently.

Blackbox is a managed service of knowledge that ensures quality. More than just a revenue engine, Blackbox is a self-actualization engine for entrepreneurs. We’re workers in an interconnected network of alliances: independent entrepreneurs, agencies, industry partners, and collectives distributed all around the world. We’ve reinvented the statement of work (SOW) into a DVP protocol. We’re building an economic policy that ensures quality alignment throughout the project, which is also used as a feedback mechanism to train our internal system as we begin to automate routine tasks.

Entering into the Blackbox Operating System follows this predictable path:

  1. How will you add value?
  2. Feedback and vote from qualified experts
  3. Approval and work begins
  4. Deliverable presented
  5. Proof of value
  6. Feedback and score
  7. Distribution

The Blackbox economic policy combines the benefits of large corporations and being a solo entrepreneur. In a sense, Blackbox is a mobius strip made up from the spectrum of both liberal and conservative economic polarities. The Blackbox Manifesto goes into this philosophy in greater detail…

Our mantras:

  1. Unification of Labor and Capital
  2. One token. One vision.
  3. Blackbox Token is driving the decentralized future of work.
  4. Surplus (or “fruits of labor”) returns back to the worker in proportion to value
  5. We are not your parents.
  6. This expectation is built into the system to encourage self sufficiency from all participants.

What does this mean in practice?

Blackbox invests in core members with something called a “Living Advance,” which provides compensation to ambitious entrepreneurs based on their future value, along with resources to do the best work of their lives.

If you’re thinking that this sounds like a crazy, ambitious, and unreasonably radical idea, then we want to hear from you. We’re looking for other unreasonable people to join the 60+ PhDs, executives, and technologists working to make it happen.

Find out more at

Join Us.



Jason J Sosa
Blackbox AI

Founder/CEO of - We build AI Employees for Enterprise