Blackbox OS — The Decentralized AI Powering The Future of Work

Jason J Sosa
Blackbox AI
Published in
5 min readMay 31, 2018

One third of your life is spent at work. That’s 92,120 hours, or nearly 12,000 days of your life.

The 9–5 is the bane of human existence…

At Blackbox, our vision is to transform the world by solving problems central to the human condition, primarily the idea of “work” and our place in it. We aim to create a more efficient, boosted form of capitalism, where people thrive based on systems of meritocracy and egalitarianism.

For a deep dive into this solution, read our white paper.

The current rules of capitalism that place profit above all else have decreasing relevance to the future challenges we face. There is a daily assault on the environment as a battle over resources has left us depleted. Meanwhile, the gap between the haves and have nots continues to widen.

We envision a world that doesn’t involve accumulating massive piles of debilitating debt, only to arrive at a job where you feel unappreciated, or mandated to do repetitive tasks for a large portion of your waking life. Studies from Gallup consistently find that some 70% of people are disengaged at work, and that’s bad news for employees and employers.

The time has come for a “boosted” form of capitalism.

Sitting in cubed working environments doing repetitive tasks is no longer viable. Enduring soul-destroying careers for the sake of perceived security or accumulating material possessions has become an antiquated model for many. More than ever, pursuits of personal purpose are an important part of the culture, spurred by millenials and Gen Z and gradually seeping into generations and workforces across the spectrum. People are challenging the old paradigm that “work” is necessary to make ends meet. Instead, they are embracing that “work” can and should be synonymous with fulfillment and their life’s purpose.

As the collective consciousness shifts in this new direction, the holes in current models of capitalism are being revealed. A company purpose of profit is no longer enough for today’s employee. As people are no longer willing to accept being a mindless cog in the machine in exchange for a pension (if they’re lucky). Workers want to feel fulfilled beyond a paycheck. While many companies are making progress toward connecting individual purpose to a broader corporate vision, there is much work to be done.

As a generation that values flexibility, freedom, trust, diversity, and equality for all, we believe we can (and should) do better.

The Blackbox Foundation exists to provide a business operating system for distributed organizations and contributors. More than just a theoretical concept, we’re a community of over 40 people working to build a next generation operating system for the Future of Work.

Blackbox Operating System (BBOS)

The network, operating system, business model, and underlying philosophy address the root challenges of hierarchical and centralized inefficiencies by re-imagining what an organization is at its core.

The primary focus will be on interoperability within and between organizations while maintaining separate governance. The Blackbox Network is composed of technology, processes, ecosystem partners, and contributors from around the world. Workers are empowered to define preferences for schedule, pursue intrinsic motivations, and contribute where they can add the most value. Influence is earned through a reputation system by consensus review (voting) or by demonstrating one’s execution skills (Proof of Value protocol).

More and more, people want to combine “who they are” and “what they do” into a coherent sense of self. By facilitating a workforce to define their own roles, involvement, schedules, and beyond, Blackbox puts autonomy back in the hands of individuals, who can find the balance of values and vocation that leads to the best performance.

How It Works

The Blackbox Foundation exists to provide a next-generation business infrastructure to empower the next-generation worker. More than just a gig economy, we’re building a unique ecosystem with a shared bond around the “common good.”

Projects are divided among capable people based on matches for best fit and reputation. Blackbox works on behalf of the entire team to ensure prompt payment, and the Blackbox OS manages interoperability between multiple organizations.

Each co-op member receives ~80% of their portion of the project revenue. The remainder goes to a general fund that covers costs for all members (sales, operations, licensing, legal, expert reviews, etc.). All payments go through Blackbox, and contributors are compensated via BBOS tokens to ensure a frictionless exchange of resources in the real world — with real USD cash from clients held in reserve to provide members with liquidity.

Our intent is to start with the most sought after professionals in artificial intelligence, data science, machine learning, computer vision, blockchain, and other transformative technologies across various disciplines. As we grow the core of our community and Blackbox OS, our long-term vision is to transform the world through a DVP (deliverable value points) proposal/Proof of Value protocol across organizations, government, and education to address real world problems.

Humans are capable of extraordinary things. In the ideal state, and bolstered by the assistance of AI, we can empower workers to reach new heights — regardless of their background, location, skill set, or socio-economic status.

Proposal Module in Blackbox OS

We believe that academic papers alone are not enough. Our methods have been battle tested based on real world problems, customer pain points, revenue, and a broader ecosystem built over the past year. Times are rapidly changing, and institutions need guidance on how to maneuver in this new world.

We’re building the blueprint to move us all forward, toward a better way to work and add value.

Join us.

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Jason J Sosa
Blackbox AI

Founder/CEO of - We build AI Employees for Enterprise