Building a DAO — Blackbox Foundation and Blackbox AI

Jason J Sosa
Blackbox AI
Published in
5 min readMay 31, 2018

We want to build a better world and do business with those that share those ideals. Unification of capital and intellectual labor is a cornerstone of that belief. Ensuring the integrity of the organization is aligned towards the best interests of our participants as a whole. We need a radical mindset for an radical time. We believe that a new form of “boosted capitalism” is required. A decentralized model that is not only a method for growth and prosperity but also the distribution of resources. Promise lies in our ability to achieve a virtuous cycle within our ecosystem as we rapidly deploy new skills, acquire new knowledge, and apply a system that is both profitable and equitable by design.

Today, corporate profits and stock markets are at an all-time high. However, as income inequality spreads, communities begin to lose economic viability and long-term sustainability. Inevitably crime, substance abuse, mental illness, domestic violence, and suicides increase as a result of economic disparity. The world order has been affected by technologies abilities to reach inside our governments and inside our brains through social media.

A Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) is governed by a set of software rules enacted by smart contracts on a blockchain. While we are required to operate in the traditional world of dead trees, we don’t necessarily need to constrain innovation with industrial age mental models.

The Blackbox Foundation is a non-profit organization. Blackbox AI is an affiliate and model for the “proof of business model” with profitability objectives in the short term including alliances, recruiting talent, and mutually working to improve the BBOS token value across markets and networks. Blackbox AI will work as the commercial arm and operational unit of the Blackbox Foundation in alignment with the cooperative vision of the “future of work” mission and values..

As William Mougayar mentions in his book, Business of Blockchain, that building a DAO is a multi-phase process. We’ve designed our structure with this process mind.

“The key objective of a DAO is value creation or production, and to make that happen, there needs to be a specific linkage between user actions and the resulting effects of those actions on the overall value to the organization.”

— William Mougayar

Source: William Mougayar

Today, it is possible for a DAO to emerge where all internal and external relationships are managed via blockchain smart contracts. Blockchain-based self-executing smart contracts are open, secure, and provide accountability and transparency. Immutability ensures that commitments are kept.

Blackbox Foundation is a people-centric ecosystem with a protocol designed to achieve consensus and determine objective value. That means, it is our intention to do well by our largest stake of token holders, namely all of us. This incentive model is what keeps the proverbial “perpetual motion machine” (or virtuous cycle) running strong.

The Blackbox OS allows us to coordinate as independents formed as a distributed cooperative with a common governance. Benefits and risks are shared among contributors of the Blackbox network. The foundation sets the vision and Blackbox AI is the growth engine that incorporates the learning from the real world.

Rising Trends

Staffing: The Rise of On-demand Labor

  • The Sharing Economy is far broader in scope than physical asset sharing
  • Specialized skills and personal time can be offered and accessed
  • Sharing Economy platforms such as TaskRabbit and Uber in the have created alternative income streams for people offering comparatively lower skilled labor.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the next step for the sharing economy

  • AI can be used to protect against review manipulation, data misuse, and false identities, and can also be used to anticipate customer needs, match customers and “contributors” based on any number of preferences (to create an even better experience), etc.

Greater use of technology

  • As access improves, so the sharing market broadens and deepens. Examples of this include Blockchain, the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence.
  • Blockchain is an emergent frontier with an abundance of data, that can enable a more mature and digitized environment, where real-time analytics, pervasive connectivity and skilled data interpretation are the norm.
  • Open ownership economy is an economy in which everyone owns the means of their support, it is an alternative to capitalism and socialism
  • In the U.S. alone, member-owned organizations account for $3 trillion dollars in assets, $500 billion in revenue and more than one million jobs.
  • Companies with broad-based ownership are more stable than those without it — with fewer job losses, those companies outperform ones where executives make a killing and workers do not.
Source: American Sustainable Business Council

Blackbox manages, coordinates, and qualifies transactions across our network. By embracing change and using our strengths as a collaborative community, we can grow our talent pool, up-skill workers, and rethink ways of doing things focused on the common good, rather than the non-reciprocal interests of the wealthy shareholders, and financial institutions alone.

Throughout histories we’ve seen what happens in societies when state and/or church models run centralized systems of governance. The remnants of these events make the mere mention of “distributing resources” tap into the collective “red scare” sub-conscience. People have become conditioned to a patriarchal concept of employment. Everything about our education system and society reinforces that underlying belief.

For decades, the race up the corporate ladder has led to unrealized pensions and left many disillusioned. At the same time, a “job” as a mental model has been established as the basis of identity and self-worth for generations. These largely unquestioned characteristics as driving behaviors are not easily reversed from our minds.

We recognize that professions embody our sense of identity and should be more than a vehicle for day-to-day sustenance. We believe companies have an ethical and moral responsibility for the foods we ingest, the items we produce, and the world in which we live.

We’re building the blueprint to move us all forward, toward a better way to work and add value.

Join us.




Jason J Sosa
Blackbox AI

Founder/CEO of - We build AI Employees for Enterprise