How Purpose is Fueling the Future of Work

At the Intersection of Business, Consciousness and Technology

Jessica Joines
Blackbox AI
5 min readJul 31, 2018


No matter where you look lately, one thing is consistent: Things are changing. Of course, change is always happening, but the change to which I’m referring are the significant business paradigm shifts, disrupting existing status quos. Things like the rise of social enterprises, conscious economics and a focus on the future of work are front and center. All is in part being fueled in part by a disengaged workforce, who are looking for greater purpose and meaning in their work and an opportunity to retire the lack of personal flexibility and creativity that has plagued them in traditional corporate work environments.

Conscious Economics on the Rise

A new collective consciousness is actively fueling commerce. One doesn’t need to look far to see that the Seventh Generations, Swells and Plum Organics of the world have captured hearts and wallets. Driven by an empowered consumer who believes, “what’s good for the world is what’s good for me.” Social enterprises and benefit corporations continue to drive growth and innovation across a wide range of industry verticals.

Mainstream brands have also taken notice and made significant investments in companies that practice conscious economics. Just take a look at Unilever, Campbell’s or BlackRock’s stunning letter it sent to CEOs earlier this year — advocating for a new model of corporate governance centered around social purpose. Why? Because the companies who are aligning to a higher purpose and raising the consciousness of humanity are also the ones winning markets. They have a purpose beyond profit and provide an opportunity for employees to live their life’s purpose at work.

The Future of Work

It’s hard to talk about making business more socially conscious without discussing new models for the future of work. Current work structures and organizations are under attack and for good reason. From income inequality to overwhelmed employees, outdated organizational models combined with the rise of automation, means jobs as we’ve historically known them are going away. We no longer look to one company to take care of us. And, the need for greater flexibility and things like the gig economy continue to grow.

As with the rise of conscious economics, this shift also seems to be driven by an evolving human consciousness that no longer wants to spend time engaged in meaningless, repetitive activity. Even though the global workforce has for centuries. While humans have always searched for purpose and meaning the change we’re seeing now is that they want this elevated purpose to come from their work. They no longer want to spend a third of their lives engaged in a job that doesn’t provide real, authentic fulfillment and an opportunity for them to connect their life goals to what they do every day.

Underlying Variable: A Societal Shift to Purpose

People are demanding greater purpose at work and they’re also voting for purpose brands at the shelf. At the same time automation is set to replace much of what has historically been “human purpose.” Look anywhere across society — business and government — and you’ll see conversations with tentacles tied to purpose. In short, the change we’re undergoing, collectively as a society, is a massive one.

There are no easy answers and conversation is required. Important for business to consider is the role they want to play in this societal shift to purpose. How are they going to provide their employees with greater purpose and meaning, while automation also grows? All businesses, no matter how big or small, have a responsibility to their workers but also to larger society. Now is the time to be considering these questions and taking important steps to set up what role your company will play in history, at this evolutionary time.

Steps Businesses Can Take Now

The changes we’re seeing are fast-changing and immense, revolutionizing established roles and existing intersections among business, people and government. While there is not a one-size fits all approach for business when considering the steps they should be taking now, as they consider the future of work and the societal shift to purpose, below are several suggestions and best practices.

  • Employ An ROI Driven Approach to Purpose. If you yet to initiate a corporate move to purpose, it’s time to get started. Purpose isn’t a trend, it’s a business paradigm shift that’s here to stay. To see the reward of purpose, it should not be treated as a marketing initiative but rather, a culture and people initiative. Purpose drives ROI, when each part of the value chain has been effectively connected to your purpose.
  • Consider Your Future of Work Vision. What is your company’s vision, mission and plan when it comes to the future of work and automation? The time for consideration is now. How will your company play in this historic societal shift and how will it serve to elevate humanity and business? It’s not an easy task, but a conversation that needs to be active in your organization if it’s not already.
  • Re-examine Your Core Values. Examine not only how your values connect to your purpose but how they reflect your roadmap for the future of work. Are they an accurate indicator of why you exist and what you’re looking to achieve in the world? Do they impact everything you do, from your decision-making, employee roadmap and culture? Values are no longer a poster on a wall. They must be interwoven into everything you do.
  • Authentic Intention is Your North Star. Once you’ve interwoven your purpose you’re your stance on the future of work, be transparent (as possible) about what your plan is. When you encounter roadblocks and challenges, going back to your intention is your answer. When in doubt, rely on the authentic intention behind your purpose and objectives that surround it to guide you.
  • Be honest about progress. Implementation of any major changes across your entire value chain isn’t easy but necessary for real, lasting impact. The good news is that it doesn’t need to be done overnight, as long as you are honest about your progress with key stakeholders and customers. Using widely accepted metrics as benchmarks about your progress

Final Thought

It’s important that conversations across business, technology and the rising consumer consciousness come together as one conversation. As it’s only through deeper collaboration and sharing that we’re going to solve the major challenges we’re currently facing as a society.



Jessica Joines
Blackbox AI

Author, Inspirational Speaker and Coach. I awaken people to their unique soul purpose & arm them with the tools to live it.