
Soharni Tennekoon
Blackdog Movement
Published in
2 min readAug 28, 2021

I’ve been reading up about Chakras as part of my Yoga Teacher Training coursework. I’ve never really taken an interest in this side of things, simply because I have a deeply rooted scientific background, which seems at odds with pseudo-scientific principles. But I’m trying not to be too rigid in my thinking, and I’ve decided to keep my mind open to new insights.

If there’s anything I’ve learned through my Bipolar 2 journey this far is that I tend to resist new things, and am fairly repressed when it comes to exploring other options or perspectives. So, throwing caution to the wind, I read up about Chakras, the spinning energy wheels inside our bodies that determine various physical, mental and emotional energy balances within us.

The colour blue is associated with the 5th Chakra, the Throat Chakra, which is about communication. I’m great with the written form, and have no ‘blockages’ there as far as I can tell.

But when it comes to verbal communication I fall short constantly. Much of the time I think I’ve communicated a feeling, thought or idea to someone but it turns out I have inner dialogues that don’t translate to the other person. Which is a problem. I’m scared of confrontation. I’m scared of being totally direct and upfront. I’m scared of a lot of things. It’s not that I don’t have the words (based on my written word vomit, clearly not), I’m just scared of speaking my mind when it matters the most.

Another important thing about communication for me is self talk. I’m working really hard on how I speak to myself; for the longest time I’ve been borderline abusive in how I talk to myself, and this style of communication can go no further if I ever want to be a happy, grounded, mature human.

I guess this is why I started this page, to start talking to myself like a close friend whom I love. And also because I feel I don’t communicate to my dear ones well enough, and I hope that by reading my musings here you’ll be able to understand me a tad bit better.

Thanks for sticking with me 🙏🏽

What are your thoughts on Chakras?



Soharni Tennekoon
Blackdog Movement

Canine behaviourist researching free roaming dog ethology & welfare. Dog nerd writing about dogs, movement, mindfulness & mental health