
For the writers who forgot to not overthink

D.C Memoir
Blackened Thoughts
2 min readApr 19, 2018


Let’s think of the trials that occur when I don’t write.
When simply living is in the moment, and I’m not looking any deeper.

The presents particular posture gives me something to imitate.
Like maybe if I try harder this simplicity I can emulate.

Let there be no word association,
No hiding moments in metaphors,
Thinking those who decipher just deserve to know more.

To my right a couple sits laughing, staring in eachothers faces.
In front of me a calm river flowing beneath a city not too busy.
Bikers and joggers,
Bikers and walkers,
I sit and breathe.

Today is Monday.
There’s a strong summers heat.
No sun,
Light breeze,
And I have nothing else to say.

The Delphic Memior

Originally finding success with slam poetry, Memoir now has expanded into short stories, fiction, and non-fiction. Building off his experiences with depression and anxiety Memoir looks to share and heal.

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D.C Memoir
Blackened Thoughts

What does it mean to be a storyteller? Who will you tell stories about? Probably someone indistinct, someone not too different from you.