Meet a Black Investor: Marek Kahr, insurance broker and crypto enthusiast

Triinu Murumäe
Published in
2 min readJul 25, 2018

Marek is an Estonian insurance broker, and an investor in the Black ICO.

Tell us a bit about yourself?

I have been working as an insurance broker for the last 13 years, and first heard about bitcoin when it cost around $100 (back then, I unfortunately didn’t understand how it can change the future :) )

Why did you decide to purchase BLCK tokens?

A friend of mine mentioned it. As it has 2 key components that I am interested in (insurance and crypto to be more specific), I took some time to learn more.

Other than that, in Black’s case it was also about the team behind the project, scalability of the business model, and the need to have modern and convenient insurance solutions for the clients.

What other ICOs you have been taking part of?

EOS and some other smaller, niche ones.

What are the main benefits/values of cryptocurrency and blockchain for you?

Decentralization (in many cases) and high security. Still waiting for the disruption in the monetary system, as well as in insurance!

What are your expectations and future visions on insurance on blockchain in the broader sense?

Blockchain technology can give the needed trust guarantee for the insurance industry, and a real-life use for the virtual coin and/or token systems. Thus far, crypto has too little applicability for the real world.

