Meet Triinu, Marketing Manager of Black

Triinu Murumäe
Published in
3 min readJul 4, 2018

When I first heard of the project, I thought „Gentlemen, come on. What do you mean — disrupting the insurance industry and creating insurance platform without the insurers involved?“, but after taking a brief moment I already said „Yes, count me IN — I want to be part of this“.

Tell us a bit more about yourself? What is your professional background?

I have been in the insurance industry for the past 10 years, meaning that I have seen the ups and downs of the business and know it inside out. I started as an insurance specialist, but pretty soon found myself working as an insurance business growth strategist for the biggest Estonian insurance brokerage company, then spent some years working as a CTO for an insurance development company. And after that, I fell in love with marketing and here I am today, enjoying it fully every single day.

What was your first impression of the BLACK project? Why did you decide to join the team and movement?

When I first heard of the project, I thought „Gentlemen, come on. What do you mean — disrupting the insurance industry and creating insurance platform without the insurers involved?“, but after taking a brief moment I already said „Yes, count me IN — I want to be part of this“. I decided to join, because I know the industry business and its current shortcomings well; it sure needs a good shake and disruption. + I have worked on several projects with the team and it has been always such a great journey, so I was „sold“ to the project in a minute.

What is your area of expertise that contributes to BLACK business the greatest today?

Our marketing team has many success stories in the field of insurtech. Today we can take all that knowledge and lessons from the past and make it work for Black. It is brilliant to be on board from Day 1 of Black; to be able to see the full picture, process and progress. I am excited and waiting to see where we are in 3 months, 6 months and one year from today, not to mention 10 years. Can’t wait!

What makes you believe in the BLACK business model?

First- the people behind BLACK! The founders, the advisors, the whole team. Secondly — there is a strong need for a change in insurance industry and it is already changing. It is a good time for BLACK to be part of it and make it happen. We have seen quite many successful insurtech startups, ICOs and blockchain applications for insurtech. It sure is BLACK time!

Where we can find you when you are not working?

Oh, I am working all the time. Even when travelling, I need to keep an eye on my projects! I like that today we have the privilege of having a remote office where ever we go (meaning my 2 Apples!). But truly speaking, you can also find me in gym, this is my happy place.

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