10 Tips To Help You Get Out of Your Comfort Zone Socially

Build your confidence and relationships

Destiny S. Harris
Blacklisted Library


Photo by Ante Hamersmit on Unsplash
  1. Go to a meetup group that makes you feel excited.
  2. Say yes, and go on a date, or ask someone out.
  3. Go to an event by yourself.
  4. Travel to a new place.
  5. Ask a friend to hang out.
  6. Strike up a conversation with enough strangers and ask one out for coffee if the vibe is right.
  7. Volunteer or attend a community event.
  8. Go to a gym class.
  9. Re-engage an old friendship that fell through the cracks.
  10. Walk up to someone and compliment something they’re wearing. The conversation might go places you never imagined.

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