9 Things You Should Do Before Engaging With The World
Optimize the start of your day
The alarm goes off.
You check the phone for notifications (e.g., news, texts, and emails).
Check social media.
Off to the races.
Your day likely speeds up after waking up instead of slowing down because you’re more likely to be in a rush than to have the luxury of moving slowly with time.
It’s easy to relinquish control of your day to your friends, family, partner, colleagues, job/career, goals, and other distractions.
It’s much more challenging to stay in control and bend time — use it to your advantage.
One way to use time to your advantage is to slow down upon waking instead of rushing straight into the first thing.
Let’s explore the five things you should do before engaging with the world.
Part 1: Walk
Dr. Wayne Dyer mentioned a mentor who told him the best hours to take a walk are between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. (I don’t recall the exact time frame, but it was somewhere between here.) Peak hours are 3 a.m. and 5 a.m.