Have 1000s of backlinks but still doesn’t rank in Google?

Deepak Jangra
Published in
3 min readDec 31, 2018
Image by Pixabay

Hmmm… Well, that’s not a problem of a single person. Almost, each and every person who perform the SEO tasks have faced this problem.

I faced the same problem when I created 1000s of backlinks but failed to rank and get the single traffic.

Then I decided to start from the beginning, it took me almost 30 to 40 days but I got the point where I was lacking.

Here’s a list of the task I performed:

  • Checked my website’s w3c errors
  • Checked the site layout with necessary and appropriate HTML tags
  • Website speed
  • Website audit

Website W3C Errors

This is the first task I performed. By using the W3C Markup Validator. This is a free tool, just put your website URL in the address bar and click on check. You will see a list of errors and warnings your website has.

These issues are related to coding like missing closing tag of any <div> or a list, it can be anything.

Well, some people say these errors not affect the SEO but what I saw and most probably happened Google bots are not able to read my website.

And without properly understanding how can they show my website in their search results.

I had almost 49 errors and 62 warnings. Warnings are just a signal that these points can become errors in later updates. It is better to fix them.

But errors you can’t ignore them you need to resolve them for proper indexing.

Necessary and appropriate HTML tags

This can be the second reason why you’re not indexing. The point is without appropriate tags like header, footer, aside, main, and more. How can Google figure out the main content of a page?

This type of problem most probably happened in WordPress some themes does not wrap the content with their appropriate tags instead they wrap everything in div’s, which extremely bad for SEO.

The best method to find this check out your website codes by using the browser’s “View Source Code” or inspect each element using “Inspect tool”.

If your website has the same issue then fix them or change your theme.

Website Speed

This is the worse scenario if you have a beautiful website and it took more than 10 seconds to load.

I checked my website’s speed using gtmetrix and it has a 22% speed score and it took 14.2 seconds to load.

Normally, a person waits for 2 to 3 seconds for loading if it loads than he/she read that page otherwise they close that tab.

And my website is not even close to the 2 or 3 seconds.

As I already said I was using the worse theme which has code errors not compatible with HTML guidelines.

Then I decided to redesign my website and look for some themes but they were expensive. So, I decided to create my own theme.

And I started creating my own custom code theme. Within a month I re-launched my website.

With zero W3C errors, HTML compatible, and with a load time 1.2 seconds.

And after redesigning the website within a month I saw some ranking increment and the website starts gaining visitors from search engines. Not only from Google but also from Duckduckgo, Yahoo, and bing as well.

But still, I was not getting enough traffic.

Website Audit

Then I performed the full website audit using SEMrush. You can choose SEMrush for free a single website.

After website audit, I saw some more series issues like broken links duplicate meta tags, in short lack of on-page SEO.

I fix all of them one by one like removed the broken links, added the meta keywords and description

It took me 3 to 4 months in performing all these tasks. And after that, I gained the appropriate ranking and traffic from search engines.

Day by day, it starts gaining more and after all of these in 2 months my website has zero to 800–1200 daily unique visitors.

So, before creating any single backlink for your website, look at your website coding errors, website speed, and all of these. If you’ve all or one these fix them and then start building links.

I hope you enjoyed this article and find it’s helpful. If you have any question then feel free to ask, I would love that to answer.

Thank YOU..!

