How to get more leads from Twitter (4 Simple steps)

Deepak Jangra
Published in
4 min readSep 3, 2018

Twitter was founded in 2006 and it is still more convenient way to generate leads. You don’t need to spend thousands of bucks. You only need to follow these four steps actually three the last one is optional:

  1. A Twitter account
  2. Follow the strategy required 1 to 2 hours a day
  3. A landing page (but need to optimize)
  4. And last but not least spend a few bucks (Optional step)

So, go get a cup of tea or coffee or whatever you like because this post might take time!

1. A Twitter account

This is a necessary step you need to follow before everything ;) I hope you already have an Twitter account and if not then go & create one.

2. The strategy time

You only need 1 to 2 hours to follow this strategy and if you’re fast enough with Twitter than it will take less.

I am taking an example of DIY website.

Like you have 0 followers so, the question is how you grow your Twitter account or get leads from that?

First off, find 5 to 10 DIY Twitter accounts 5 most popular and 5 least popular. You will see the most popular accounts are getting tons of likes and retweets.

On the other side, the least popular accounts have few likes and retweets, and if they are getting nice likes or retweets as comparison to their followers than congratulations. You are already one step ahead..!

After finding the those accounts start following their likers and retweeters. Not everyone but those are recent and new.

This is not a bad thing to follow them everyone does/doing this thing unless and until they have thousands of dollars to spend on advertisement.

Follow 100 to 150 people everyday follow this technique until you start getting followers automatically.

So, what happened next?

Like you’re doing this from last 30 days and you followed 4500 people (150 * 30) and the 10% of those following start following you back so, you have 450 followers in a month without spending a penny and in fact they loves DIY (you niche).

At the end of month unfollow those people who didn’t follow you back and keep those 450 because they support you!

And as I already said do this technique until you will start getting followers automatically.

Second thing, Don’t forget to engage them. Create the best content whether they are videos, images or anything. Provide your followers the best experience so, they keep with you in long run. Create content like no one ever made.

Once you start providing the best content they will start liking and retweeting your posts. And your account start growing this way as well.

3. Landing page

Next you need a landing page, a perfect landing page that converts your visitors into leads. So, here’s a example of a well optimized landing page.

Put a hero screen image or video that suits your content best.

Next, tell a short but descriptive story about you or your company.

Next, add your service or product. Tell the truth like whose it for and whose for not, be transparent to your audience.

Next, show the testimonials and here’s what most of the people actually do mistakes. People only show the words they don’t prove those words and most of people treat them fake. So, you need to prove your reviews legit. Don’t show the testimonials in words. One better way to prove them “embed them” from popular reviews website like yelp (where most of the Americans believe), or Google reviews and something like that.

At last, add a form asking for name, email or phone number (whatever suits you). Reply them with a nice Thank you email and try ask a question or provide free access to anything that return those people again to your website. So, you can find which people are highly interested in your content or service.

So, you followed the whole strategy like for 8 weeks and you got 1,000 followers that’s not bad you didn’t spend any penny and you have 1,000 people.

And you are providing best content to your followers that create value. One more thing they should believe in you like you’re the best in DIY or makeup or anything.

Once they start believing you they will start following you. And one of the best method to analysis that, when they start liking or retweeting your content.

Now, it’s time to publish your landing page. Sit back and watch what you did in last 8 weeks.

4. Spend few bucks

Last step, this is optional but I suggest you should try this at least once. If you get any lead from above free method than you should.

Spend few dollars like $50 to $100 and advertise you landing page target the most accurate audience and hit the ENTER..!

So, that’s all for this article. If you’ve any question than feel free to ask in comments or reach me at BlackMario. I’ll be more then happy to help you there!

