Blackmoon Crypto successfully completed the pre-order

Sergey Vasin
2 min readSep 5, 2017


Blackmoon Crypro web site screenshot on late September, 1st 2017

Blackmoon Crypto completed the pre-order of BMC tokens on September, 1st 2017. The total amount received reached an equivalent of $10,609,005 based on the exchange rates as of the 22:00 UTC that day.

Distribution by users’ contribution share

A total of 2804 contributors participated in the pre-order making 1.46 transactions on average. It was truly a crowdsale, since three largest contributors combined accounted for less than 26.1% of the total volume. All while 50% of the funds were provided by the contributions which were less than 1% of the total volume.

On the last day of the August pre-order reached the $5 million lower threshold and Blackmoon Crypto announced that the pre-order will be closed in 24 hours. This information seems to have triggered the delayed demand and the remaining amount of funding was received in the last 24 hours.

Cumulative volume of contributions, constant exchange rate

The official sale of BMC tokens will take place on September, 12th at 1 pm UTC. The BMC price will be nominated in USD and specified as follows:

  • During the first 48 hours of the Distribution Period the price of one BMC token will be $1.00.
  • From the 3rd to 7th day (both including) of the Distribution the price of one BMC will be $1.05.
  • After the 7th day of the Distribution until the Distribution End Date the price of one BMC will be $1.10.

The hard cap for the sale is $30 million and could be decreased in accordance to the terms of sale.

Handy links:

Blackmoon Crypto token sale starts on September 12 and it’s poised to sell out pretty fast.

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Sergey Vasin

I’m a partner at a private equity firm. I’m passionate about data analysis, business management, and scaling start-ups. I’m fond of SaaS, fintech & blockchain