A list of self experienced

10 Killer Elixir Tips #1

Code forward & Be forward thinking

Malreddy Ankanna
Published in
2 min readFeb 17, 2017


Photo by Form on Unsplash

1. Multiple [ OR ]

This is just the other way of writing Multiple OR conditions. This is not the recommended approach because in regular approach when the condition evaluates to true , it stops executing the remaining conditions which saves time of evaluation unlike this approach which evaluates all conditions first in a list. This is just good for discoveries.

2. i( term)

It prints the information about a data type of given term. Try that in iex and see the magic.

iex> i(1..5)

3. iex Custom Configuration

Save the following file as .iex.exs in your ~ home directory and see the magic.



Malreddy Ankanna

Programmer & Writer, I write about coding, thoughts, ideas, personal musings, technical articles, and tutorials.https://bio.link/blackode