The Definitive Guide on

10 Common Code Refactoring Experiences|Elixir

Sometimes things go wrong to show right path

Malreddy Ankanna
Published in
10 min readAug 23, 2019


A better coding style for better results

This article comprises of common Elixir coding techniques that you may or may not know.

1— Default Value for absent key in a Map

We usually encounter a situation like we expect a map has certain key and if not we need to send some default value.

Immediately, we will end up using Map.has_key? like in the following way

currency = 
if(Map.has_key? price, "currency") do

If you see any such lines in your code then it is time to refactor them as

currency = Map.get(price, "currency", "USD")

If price has key currency with value nil then it returns nil . It just looks for the absence of a key to return default value.



Malreddy Ankanna

Programmer & Writer, I write about coding, thoughts, ideas, personal musings, technical articles, and tutorials.