Read how to

Build & Publish an Elixir Package |

Can I write? Yes. You can

Malreddy Ankanna
Published in
7 min readJan 3, 2017


Creations are not ready made, they are out of thoughts….

Brief Intro

The Elixir is the functional programming language used to build the distributed,scalable & fault tolerant system applications. Using the phoenix the elixir web framework you can develop things beyond our thoughts. Elixir is also used in the embedded systems. This is just a brief introduction about the Elixir.

Creating the Elixir Package is not a rocket science

Creating New Project

Open the command line and make sure that you have installed elixir with elixir -v and mix with mix -v after that you can create new project as follows.

In the above command project_name is the name of your project. Here, I’ll create one project and will do the explanation of the project in deep.
I named the project as rocket let’s do that.



Malreddy Ankanna

Programmer & Writer, I write about coding, thoughts, ideas, personal musings, technical articles, and tutorials.