Employer Value Proposition: What is it?

Zeb Polston
3 min readAug 23, 2017


When reviewing candidates, there are many factors to consider. Are they skilled? Are they a culture fit? Will they add to the morale? Do they have a diversity of experience beyond skill specific knowledge? These factors certainly make the process of locating the right candidate tedious. That said there are tools that make it much easier to find the ever-elusive unicorn. By syncing branding and recruiting efforts a company can be known in the community, not just for its customers or clients but also its team. These steps not only boost recruitment marketing but help define a company’s Employer Value Proposition.

  1. Know Who You Are.

One of the first lesson taught in marketing is, know why you do what you do. Understanding ‘why’ your brand exists allows you to answer a myriad of questions such as -

  • What makes your brand unique?
  • Why do your current customers or clients care?
  • Why do your current and potential employees care?

A company’s marketing efforts not only help capture potential consumers but potential employees. Understanding this is key to unlocking the secret of talent acquisition. As the market tightens and competition grows so do the options of top performers. Unless potential employees know your company story, or understand why you do what you do they won’t know why they should work for your organization. This is paramount because job seekers today aren’t looking they’re waiting. They’re waiting for the brand that tells them why they’ll receive compensation, growth opportunity, autonomy and Purpose not simply that they’ll receive them.

2. Put Yourself Out There.

Take these strategies a step further by bringing your audience inside your company with a peek at company culture. Social media is a great way to showcase what you do for employees and the company’s personality. Potential posts for social media include: Testimonials from current employees (these can be repurposed to use in hiring materials) Spotlights on the total rewards your company offers, such as employee appreciation events, benefits, etc. Celebrating accomplishments, new hires and promotions. Combining forces with marketing creates a clear picture of your company for current candidates and draws the attention of passive job seekers. Launch branding campaigns that leverage display advertising in a variety of locations and include your pool of candidates in audience targeting to maximize your presence in the community to clients and potential employees.

3. Start Having Conversations.

The ADP Research Institute data shows the majority of job seekers are dissatisfied with the amount of communication, quality of communication and lack of transparency when applying for positions. There’s an easy way to stand out: be responsive, consistent and efficient. Monitor your company’s reputation in the digital space and respond to reviews, positive and negative, with customized replies. Being unafraid to enter the conversation and respond publicly to a negative feedback demonstrates transparency to job seekers. Be present at community events such as job fairs and sponsorship opportunities to increase brand awareness and demonstrate community involvement, another priority for today’s job seeker.

Communication also saves time and money. A candidate who is under qualified for a current opening is more likely to apply again in the future after gaining experience if he or she receives a response from the company. If a job posting receives hundreds of applications, taking the time to reply to each one can be tedious. But even a generic rejection is considered less frustrating to job seekers than radio silence.

“Information is power, particularly when the competition ignores the opportunity to do the same.” — Mark Cuban

With these 3 steps, you can work smarter by leveraging current marketing strategies and throwing your recruitment needs into the mix. Celebrating company culture creates a healthy demand within the workplace to preserve it. However, first and foremost, you’ve got to have a workplace worth celebrating.

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Hi! I’m Zeb, the Founder of tech recruiting firm Blackprint. I’ve made it my goal to shift the way recruiting is viewed and reintroduce the human factor to talent acquisition. I’m always open to challenging conversations that push the limits and, most importantly, promote growth. If you feel the same, say hello!



Zeb Polston

Hi! My name is Zeb Polston. I am the founder of Blackprint (http://www.blackprint.io). We have one goal, build businesses through Talent and People solutions.