Feeling overwhelmed at work? Take 10 minutes for a mood boost.

Colleen Cram


It’s not easy to inject a feeling of solace into an ultra fast-paced, high-pressure work day or week that feels like it just won’t end. Invest just 10 minutes and try one of these game-changers.

Laugh. At something, anything. Laughing is probably the last thing you feel like doing but consider this. Laughter is healing, and it activates dopamine in the brain which gives you a healthy sense of pleasure. Humor can even make you more productive. Try a funny YouTube clip of your favorite comedian or a blurb from a comical article. Remember something hysterical that happened the other day that was so ridiculous — you can’t help but smile inside.

Meditate. What, when your mind is going a mile a minute? That sounds ridiculous. You may think it’s not for you yet it’s proven to make a difference even if you do it for just 5 minutes a day. Plus, this is the time you need it most. Try it for 5 minutes, then build up to 10. It’s a small time investment for a big payoff and helps alleviate anxiety plus calm stress. Use an app like Simply Being, Headspace or Mindfulness that will give you beginner tips and teach you the basics. The more consistently you do it, the more you’ll feel the benefits.

Deep breathe. It might feel incredibly unnatural but it’s hard to feel totally frazzled when you’re completely focused on taking a few really deep breaths. This helps your body relax.

Greatest hits. Listen to a recording of your greatest accomplishments or read a list you keep on your phone. This technique is even used at West Point as a ritual before stressful high-pressure situations to promote confidence and calm nerves for peak performance.

Music. Put in your headphones and listen to a song that makes you want to win. Listen to it again. Music has mood- boosting effects and the lyrics will inspire you.

Affirmations. Listen to some affirmations about work. Download some affirmation apps on your phone and put in your headphones. It may sound fluffy but getting on track with this type of positive self-talk stifles energy-draining negative thinking, so you can focus on producing to the best of your ability.

Matcha. Make yourself a cup of matcha green tea. It has more L-theanine than regular green tea promoting a feeling of calm and relaxation. The warmth is also soothing.

Make meaning. Take some time and remember why you do what you do. Want to share a brand’s DNA that speaks to your values? Increase awareness about an amazing product? Help a struggling client? Go on that expensive family vacation? Remember the meaningful impact your hard work has.

Increase the positive mood-boosting power of any of the above by adding some more time, am or pm.

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