Kuro Huang
1 min readOct 5, 2019


[Cisco] Load balancing 與 Load sharing 比較

常常聽到對於Load balancing 與 Load sharing 混搭用

剛好CISCO 論壇有人有類似的疑問 我覺得回答的還不錯的
( learningnetwork.cisco.com/thread/63821 )

In short, load balancing tries to distribute traffic evenly over multiple paths, whereas, load sharing intends to do it (for the lack of a better term) equally. True load balancing is difficult to achieve. For example, let’s say there were two links (100 mbps and 300 mpbs) and a router needed to send out 600 mbps of traffic. Load balancing would distribute the traffic evenly, sending 300 mbps on each link. On the contrary, load sharing would divide the traffic equally based on the available resources, sending 200 mbps on the slower link and 400 mbps on the faster one.


簡而言之,負載平衡(load Balancing)在多個路徑上平均分配流量,而負載分配(Load Sharing)打算一起執行(缺少更好的說法)。真正的負載平衡很難實現。

假設有兩個連結(路徑 : 100 mbps 和 300 mpbs)和一個需要發送600 mbps流量的Router。

預設情況下 負載平衡(load Balancing)在將平均分配流量,每條連結發送300 mbps。

在較慢的連結上發送200 mbps,在較慢的連結上發送400 mbps。





Kuro Huang
