All startup and innovation teams should hire an artist — here’s why

Sasha mack
5 min readJul 15, 2024

Art and creativity is hard to quantify but many say creative thinking is the future of work. In fact, as of January 2024, 70% of employers believe creatives are the future of work.

Check out my painting “Black sheep gold fleece”, 2023 — Oil on Canvas

Below are some examples as to why people who think creatively are the best for building innovative and resilient companies.

1.Comfort with Ambiguity:

  • Example: Artists thrive in uncertain environments, which is often the case in startups where the future can be unpredictable. Their ability to navigate ambiguity helps them remain calm and productive under pressure.
  • The Blank Canvas —Artists are used to starting with nothing and creating something impactful with resourcefulness. They can visualize possibilities where others see none.
  • I personally feel incredibly energized approaching work with a blank canvas, bringing structure to non-structure and enjoying the journey of experimentation. There have been a number of moments where I’m in the middle of a painting and I’m looking nervously at how it’s going to come out — a few pivots and BAM! It ends up beautiful. Check out my art on
  • Benefit: This comfort with the unknown translates into a valuable skill for startups and innovation, where rapid changes and pivots are common. Creating from scratch and having the innate ability to see potential in nascent ideas is invaluable.

2.Creative Problem Solving:

  • Example: Artists intrinsically think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions. For instance, a graphic designer might find a unique way to present data that makes it more engaging for users.
  • Previously working at an innovation firm, we were conducting stakeholder interviews and I was able to suggest an out of the box expert interview that provided the greatest insights. As my mom always says, self-recommendation is no praise so here’s a comment from one of the partners as I transitioned to business school.
  • Benefit: Their creative mindset can lead to novel approaches and breakthrough ideas that differentiate a company from its competitors.

3. Proven Ability to Turn Ideas into Actions:

  • Example: Artists regularly take abstract concepts and turn them into tangible works of art. This process requires discipline, planning, and execution. From “The power of now” — there’s an ability to move from the no-mind (creativity) to the mind and then the actions. Artists are the perfect mix of visionaries and builders.
  • Benefit: This ability to transform ideas into reality is crucial in a startup, where conceptualizing and actualizing new products or services quickly is key to staying ahead.

4. Working with a Blank Canvas:

  • Example: Artists are used to starting with nothing and creating something impactful. They can visualize possibilities where others see none.
  • Benefit: In the early stages of a startup, having team members who can create from scratch and see potential in nascent ideas is invaluable.

5. Observant and Detail-Oriented:

  • Example: Artists are trained to notice details that others might miss, such as subtle shifts in color, form, or composition, behavior and so much more. Artists have an attuned awareness of and connectedness to the world.
  • Benefit: This keen observation can translate to spotting market trends, understanding customer feedback, and improving product details that enhance user experience.

6. Ability to Connect the Dots and Recognize Patterns:

  • Example: Artists often draw inspiration from a variety of sources and are skilled at identifying patterns across different domains. For instance, a visual artist might integrate elements from nature, technology, and culture into a cohesive piece of art. Artists can often understanding systems and how to piece a storyline together.
  • Benefit: This ability to connect disparate ideas and recognize underlying patterns can help startups identify innovative solutions, anticipate market shifts, and create cohesive strategies.

7. Adaptability and Flexibility:

  • Example: Artists often experiment with different styles, mediums, and techniques, which requires them to be adaptable.
  • Benefit: Startups benefit from this flexibility as roles and projects evolve rapidly, requiring team members who can easily adapt and take on various tasks.

8. Collaboration and Communication Skills:

  • Example: Many artists work collaboratively in projects like theater productions, multimedia installations, or band performances, which require effective communication and teamwork. They also have to communicate their mission, vision and values in a way that strongly resonates with those experiencing the art.
  • Benefit: These skills are crucial in a startup environment, where clear communication and collaboration can drive success.

9. Futurists

  • Example: Artists often have a vision for the future, whether it’s the future of their work or broader societal trends. Their thinking is often of progress and hope.
  • Benefit: This visionary thinking can help startups not only address current challenges but also anticipate future opportunities and threats with intentional foresight.

By integrating artists into teams, startups can leverage these unique strengths to foster innovation, adapt to change, and ultimately build more resilient and creative businesses. While it’s hard to quantify in the moment, the impact of an artist as a team contributor is always felt.

Sasha Mack

Sasha Mack, a graduate of Cornell University with a BA and an MBA from the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business, is a multifaceted professional who seamlessly blends business acumen with artistic creativity and personal development coaching. Born and raised in Fairfield, Connecticut, Mack has leveraged her education and experiences to make significant contributions in various fields. Her professional journey includes roles at Bridgewater Associates and Meta, board membership at a non-profit and private school, and involvement with Lawyers for Children. As an accomplished artist, Mack is known for her unique handmade creations, particularly her “Black Sheep Collection,” which explores themes of individuality and non-conformity. Additionally, she works as an authenticity coach, helping others uncover their purpose and passion. Mack’s diverse achievements, from academic excellence to artistic innovation, reflect her commitment to personal growth and positive impact in both business and community spheres.

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