I have a confession, I’m not a democrat.

Sasha mack
3 min readJul 21, 2024

I’m not a republican either.

I am and have been a registered independent. Most people that know me may assume that I am a democrat. I’m following in the footsteps of my incredibly wise mother and have developed my own reasons for why this is right for me.

My decision to register as an independent voter stems directly from my academic background in government and law at Cornell University, as well as my diverse professional and personal experiences. As a government major with a minor in law and society, I’ve developed a deep understanding of political systems and their nuances. This education taught me to approach political issues critically and from multiple angles, rather than adhering to a single party’s ideology.

I don’t believe in a country of division but instead a country of collaboration and unity.

Throughout my career, I’ve worked in various sectors including technology, finance, and marketing. This exposure has given me a pragmatic view of how policies affect different industries and individuals. I’ve learned that effective solutions often require a blend of ideas that don’t always align with a single party’s platform.

Moreover, my involvement with non-profits like Off-Beat Players and Lawyers for Children has reinforced my commitment to specific social causes. I’ve found that these issues often transcend party lines, and I prefer to support candidates based on their stance on these matters rather than their party affiliation. I’m most interested in who can best support the “least of us”.

I’m here for humankind and the character of our leaders.

By remaining unaffiliated, I maintain the flexibility to objectively assess each candidate’s qualifications, policy proposals, and leadership potential. This approach allows me to make informed decisions that align with my values and what I believe is best for the country, rather than feeling obligated to vote along party lines.

In our increasingly complex political landscape, I believe it’s crucial to think independently and critically about each election.

I am thankful to have grown up in a family that encouraged critical thinking and intellectual discussion daily — it was never taboo to talk about politics and the dynamics of social issues.

It’s in these conversations with family, friends and even strangers have I been able to exchange ideas, thoughts and experiences with other humans. In these moments empathy, compassion and understanding can grow. I’ve been able to talk to friends with far right and far left beliefs — leaving conversations in agreement on a number of topics. It’s this understanding of oneness, that we are all connected, which helps us move past the only things that separate us — fear and limiting beliefs.

I feel that remaining unaffiliated best allows me to exercise my civic duty responsibly and thoughtfully.

Sasha Mack, a graduate of Cornell University with a BA and an MBA from the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business, is a multifaceted professional who seamlessly blends business acumen with artistic creativity and personal development coaching. Born and raised in Fairfield, Connecticut, Mack has leveraged her education and experiences to make significant contributions in various fields. Her professional journey includes roles at Bridgewater Associates and Meta, board membership at a non-profit and private school, and involvement with Lawyers for Children. As an accomplished artist, Mack is known for her unique handmade creations, particularly her “Black Sheep Collection,” which explores themes of individuality and non-conformity. Additionally, she works as an authenticity coach, helping others uncover their purpose and passion. Mack’s diverse achievements, from academic excellence to artistic innovation, reflect her commitment to personal growth and positive impact in both business and community spheres.


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