CANNED: A Satirical Take on the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity

Sasha mack
3 min readJul 17, 2024

This one’s a little bit different — I’m sharing a concept.

I didn’t even realize Cannes was right around the corner until I dreamt about it this past weekend.

As a creative who’s worked across brand advertising professionally and comedy personally, it makes sense if you read on.

So what is Canned?

CANNED, or the “Canned Lions Festival,” aims to celebrate the most uninspired, derivative, and downright cringeworthy advertising campaigns from around the world.

CANNED would serve as a humorous reminder that even in the world of advertising, where creativity is supposed to reign supreme, there is always room for improvement and a healthy dose of self-deprecating humor.

What does the festival celebrate? The Canned Categories:

Instead of the traditional categories like Film, Print, and Outdoor, CANNED would feature awards for the most egregious offenses in advertising, such as:

  1. The Cringe-Worthy Cliché Award: Honoring the most overused and tired advertising tropes, like the “happy family frolicking in a field” or the “quirky hipster selling you something you don’t need.”
  2. The Blatant Rip-Off Award: Recognizing campaigns that shamelessly copied ideas from other successful ads, with minimal effort to disguise the plagiarism.
  3. The Tone-Deaf Insensitivity Award: Celebrating ads that managed to offend multiple demographics with their lack of cultural awareness or insensitive messaging.
  4. The Meaningless Buzzword Bingo Award: Honoring campaigns that string together as many meaningless marketing jargon words as possible, leaving the audience utterly confused.
  5. The Gratuitous Celebrity Endorsement Award: Recognizing ads that relied solely on a famous face to sell a product, with little to no creative concept or messaging.

The CANNED Experience

Instead of the glamorous French Riviera setting, CANNED would take place in a dimly lit, underground parking garage, with the aroma of stale beer and disappointment permeating the air. Attendees would be greeted by a disgruntled intern handing out crumpled programs and stale pretzels.

The award ceremony itself would be a parody of the Cannes Lions extravaganza, complete with awkward speeches, technical difficulties, and a host who clearly doesn’t want to be there. Instead of the coveted Lions trophies, winners would receive a rusty tin can spray-painted gold, with a crudely drawn lion face.

The Aftermath

After the ceremony, attendees would be ushered out into the harsh reality of the real world, where they would be forced to confront the mediocrity of their work and the futility of their existence in the advertising industry. Some may find solace in less favorable places, while others may seek redemption by actually trying to create something original and meaningful for once.

That’s all for now.


Sasha Mack

Sasha Mack, a graduate of Cornell University with a BA and an MBA from the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business, is a multifaceted professional who seamlessly blends business acumen with artistic creativity and personal development coaching. Born and raised in Fairfield, Connecticut, Mack has leveraged her education and experiences to make significant contributions in various fields. Her professional journey includes roles at Bridgewater Associates and Meta, board membership at a non-profit and private school, and involvement with Lawyers for Children. As an accomplished artist, Mack is known for her unique handmade creations, particularly her “Black Sheep Collection,” which explores themes of individuality and non-conformity. Additionally, she works as an authenticity coach, helping others uncover their purpose and passion. Mack’s diverse achievements, from academic excellence to artistic innovation, reflect her commitment to personal growth and positive impact in both business and community spheres.

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