Blockchain Integration to Contact Center Industry [use case]

Blaize Team
Published in
7 min readNov 12, 2020

The contact center industry concentrates a huge amount of data that is necessary for a variety of company’s processes. The system requires coherent and accurate work within a secured environment for data storing. That is why the adoption of blockchain technology can significantly empower the call center sphere.

blockchain technology adoption into business industry

In this article, we are going to tell about the main challenges and problems the contact center industry faces, and how blockchain technology adoption can help to solve those issues.

About the industry

The contact center may be described as a centralized place that receives, transmits, and stores a huge amount of data (voice or video calls, agents’ communication records, etc.) gathered wire or wirelessly.

A variety of industries empower their businesses and capitalize on call center software, those are mainly healthcare, financial and consulting services. In this case, contact centers are used to collect inquiries from the customer or provide product support services.

Contact centers can be also used to manage customer contacts and help to delegate tasks to different subcontractors. As a core of data storage, it plays a vital role in a number of companies.

Contact centers can act as an in-house department of a company or be outsourced to contact center software like Qubicles.

Contact center Industry Challenges

Customer support services deal with storing and processing a concise amount of information. Its efficient work requires considerable operational and labor force expenditures which are often overpaid.

Two main challenges the industry faces connected to agent idle time costs and an insufficient amount of employees during peak season.

The first issue primarily lies in the fact that often call center employees have idle or “empty” hours during the workday. Due to a high rate of labor payments, this leads to a huge budget loss in the monthly (or even weekly) estimation.

The second problem is connected to the uneven distribution of the labor force within a certain company or outsourcing agency. During a peak season, the interaction volume grows and contact centers experience a serious lack of employees to satisfy the demand volume.

Therefore, such uneven demand creates a serious problem for contact centers, when the amount of needed employees differs significantly.

Benefits of smart contract adoption for contact center sphere

Smart contracts are a reliable solution for tamper-proof data storing and system actual state representation. That is why blockchain technology adoption in the contact center industry brings out a lot of profits.

In terms of huge data storage, the possibility of misleading or false information sharing is quite common. Smart contracts provide a verifiable and immutable environment for data storing which eliminates those problems. Additional support by plenty of tests and security audit performance can ensure contracts’ safety and attack-resistance.

Want to know more about the smart contract security audit process? Read our article on How to Conduct a Smart Contract Security audit:

Moreover, due to the tamper-proof feature, information locked into smart contracts cannot be changed. This gives additional privilege in terms of data security and helps to safely open the access to it for every member of the system.

smart contract adoption advantages
Temper proof feature does not allow to change the data after it has been submitted to the system

The other advantage of blockchain technology adoption is its total transparency. This feature is also a very critical issue for contact centers software like Qubicles. As long as employees have very different data requests, storage transparency, and accessibility considerably enhance the workflow. At the same time, it cancels the “access approval” process which helps to use the employees’ time in a more efficient way.

Find out more information about Benefits of Smart Contract Adoption in this article:

About Qubicles

Qubicles network represents a decentralized market of human resources for contact center purposes. Empowered by blockchain technology it helps to achieve greater staff productivity and the highest operability of the workflow.

Source: Qubicles website

Due to blockchain technology adoption, Qubicles provides a variety of advantages for its users and payments’ mediation without counterparties is one of such. As soon as the transaction occurs, the Employer and the Agent should agree on it and digitally sign the transaction.

If there is any misunderstandings or unclear rate assessment, the arbitrator steps in and decides whether to confirm the transaction or not. This allows for system automation and independence from third-party mediators.

Another big advantage is the software system’s transparency and scalability. Blockchain technology along with smart contracts allows for maintenance of the highly functional worldwide accessible systems. Stablecoin payments make it easy to receive payments or to cover transaction fees between all 15 countries Qubicles serves in.

Following the best practices, Qubicles experts kindly share their knowledge within in-build Qubicles University (QU). It enables them to provide supportive trainings for a variety of contact center industry workers around the globe.

How Blaize helped to empower contact center software with blockchain technology?

Blaize developers are experts in blockchain technology integration and smart contract development. Our specialists have deployed over 120 smart contracts and have a deep understanding of all technology’s intricacies and pitfalls. Therefore, the implementation of smart contracts for Qubicles network was not a challenge for Blaize.

Blaize’s main task was concentrated on the translating system’s functionality into one, complex smart contract.

Primary, our task was to create the environment for existing Qubicles QBE token integration and to develop the job offer functionality upon this token usage.

The first part of the contract has to manage the relationships between the Agent and the Employer while they are looking for each other. In advance explanation, the contract has to manage the methods of finding and applying for the job, as well as, setting the timeline and tracking work hours.

The process of job application confirmation by Agent and Employer

The next part of the contract has to deal with transaction payments management and eventual arbitrary moderation. As we have mentioned before, one of the Qubicles’ advantages was the reduction of time spent for unclear payments’ mediation. The issue was resolved due to smart contract implementation.

Such improvement of the systems also solves one of the biggest contact centers industry challenges meaning prolongation of decision-making processes which lead to idle hours of the workers covered by the employee.

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The third subtask was to expand the smart contract with the Qubicles University moderation functionality. Blaize’s task was to develop the methods allowing to register the course by a Trainer, set an attendance fee and the function to charge the fee as well as the ability to track the user's progress within the QU.

Qubicles Blockchain Adoption Complexity

As far as Qubicles was the first contact center software that expressed the willingness to implement the blockchain technology into its business, there were no similar solutions to peek and compare.

The first thing to underline is that the call center sphere services related to storing and managing a large number of data. Hence, one of the main challenges we encountered was the organization of a thorough and well-designed smart contract order and logic.

The next issue was to organize the structure so that it enables fast and convenient data extraction queries. Then, there was a necessity of writing a large list of unit tests to cover all the possible functions the contract may fulfill.


The whole Blaize team is passionate about the possibilities and improvements blockchain technology adoption can offer. The experience has shown that nearly every industry can benefit from blockchain-based solutions and the contact center industry is not exempt.

Ready to create a blockchain solution for your business? Share your ideas with us!

We are sure the popularisation of blockchain integration will grow and new businesses will open this opportunity to themselves. Don’t wait for others to grow and find new cost-efficient solutions, try for yourself! Empower your business with blockchain technology together with Blaize!

Article source: Blaize blog



Blaize Team

We are a development & service company with an emphasis on blockchain technology