Introduction to Blockchain Gaming and Infrastructure

Blaize Team
Published in
17 min readMar 22, 2024

Traditional gaming experiences often leave players feeling like renters in a virtual world. In-game items and characters, despite countless hours invested, are ultimately controlled by the developers. This lack of ownership translates to limited player agency and the inability to monetize their digital efforts. Blockchain gaming infrastructure shatters this paradigm by introducing a revolutionary concept: true digital asset ownership.

Imagine a world like Decimated, a captivating blockchain game. In Decimated, players take command of fearsome warriors immortalized as NFTs, granting them true ownership of these digital combatants. These warriors can be strategically trained, unleashed in heart-pounding battles, and even offered for sale on marketplaces for real-world currency.

True ownership isn’t indeed a single advantage of this domain. Blockchain gaming infrastructure unlocks a multitude of benefits for both players and developers:

  • Interoperability: Imagine wielding your legendary weapon across a vast array of blockchain-powered games. Interoperability allows players to seamlessly move their NFTs between compatible games, fostering a connected gaming ecosystem and expanding the utility of digital assets.
  • Decentralization & Security: Blockchain eliminates the need for centralized control by game publishers. This fosters a more democratic gaming environment, where players have a greater say in the development and direction of the games they invest their time in. Blockchain’s immutable ledger ensures the authenticity and security of in-game assets. Players can rest assured that their NFTs cannot be duplicated or tampered with.
  • Easy Monetization: Blockchain game platforms provide more opportunities for monetization, including in-game items, native cryptocurrency, coins, etc.

The integration of blockchain technology is transforming the gaming industry from a closed ecosystem to a more open and player-centric environment. With true ownership, interoperability, and enhanced security, blockchain gaming infrastructure is paving the way for a future where players are empowered and in control of their digital experiences.

Blaize has extensive expertise in blockchain gaming development, ready to assist your most sophisticated web3 gaming needs.

This article delves into the world of blockchain gaming infrastructure, its explosive growth, and how it’s fundamentally altering the way we interact with games.

Understanding the Web3 Gaming Ecosystem

The web3 gaming ecosystem represents a rapid development vector in the gaming industry, empowering players with unprecedented ownership and control over their digital experiences. Unlike traditional gaming environments, web3 games leverage blockchain technology to create a decentralized, interconnected, and player-driven ecosystem.

Let’s take a closer look at the key components and principles that define this exciting new frontier:

Decentralization: At the heart of web3 gaming lies the concept of decentralization. This means that control over the game world and its assets is no longer solely vested in a central authority (game developer or publisher). Instead, power is distributed among players and developers who interact through a shared ledger system (blockchain). This fosters a more democratic environment where players have a say in the game’s development and evolution, potentially through DAOs.

Composability: A hallmark of web3 gaming is composability. Composability allows players to seamlessly move their in-game assets (represented as NFTs) between compatible games, fostering a connected gaming metaverse. This unlocks new avenues for developers to create interoperable experiences and expand the utility of digital assets.

Interoperability: Building upon composability, interoperability allows players to not only transfer NFTs but also utilize them across different games. This fosters a more interconnected gaming experience, where your digital assets hold value beyond the confines of a single game. Imagine using your virtual land parcel from one game to host events or build structures that can be interacted with by players in other compatible games. Interoperability creates a richer and more dynamic gaming universe.

NFTs: These digital certificates of ownership underpin the concept of true digital asset ownership in web3 gaming. Every in-game item, character, or land parcel can be tokenized as an NFT, granting players verifiable ownership and the ability to freely buy, sell, or trade these assets on marketplaces. NFTs empower players to monetize their time and effort invested in the game, while keeping full ownership over own assets.

Smart Contracts: As simple as pieces of code stored onchain, smart contracts are the core of each decentralized application — web3 games included. Apart of key role in automating work with in-game assets and other processes, they govern in-game mechanics, facilitate secure transactions, and ensure fair play. For example, smart contracts could manage breeding mechanics for in-game pets or ensure rewards are distributed automatically upon completing quests. Smart contracts eliminate the need for manual intervention and foster trust within the game’s ecosystem.

Account abstraction: Account Abstraction in the web3 gaming ecosystem significantly enhances user experience, particularly for newcomers, by facilitating a seamless transition similar to traditional gaming interfaces. It introduces a unified game account system that serves as a single login for multiple games, simplifying the way players interact with Web3 platforms. This innovation is not just about ease of use; it’s foundational for the future of Web3 gaming, offering a streamlined approach to managing digital identities, assets, and achievements through one account. This account can be effortlessly managed, transferred, or sold, breaking down barriers to blockchain technology and making complex on-chain operations accessible via a simple user interface. Account Abstraction, therefore, represents a critical step towards democratizing the gaming experience, ensuring that technology serves to enhance gameplay and community engagement rather than complicate it.

By harnessing these core components, web3 gaming is blurring the lines between play and work, creating new avenues for player agency, and fostering a more vibrant and interconnected gaming experience.

Choosing the Right Blockchain Infrastructure for Your Game

In blockchain gaming, several critical factors play essential roles in the overall user and developer experience. Understanding these components is crucial for choosing the right platform for gaming projects and for gamers looking to engage in the blockchain space.

Availability of Liquidity on the Chain: It’s essential to choose a blockchain that is actively used, indicating a healthy level of liquidity. A blockchain with high liquidity means there’s a vibrant economy in place, facilitating smoother transactions and interactions within your game.

Ecosystem Interaction: The presence of a supportive ecosystem is crucial. Look for blockchains that host a variety of marketplaces, protocols for NFT lending, exchanges, and other services. This interconnectedness allows your game to offer more complex and integrated experiences, leveraging the broader blockchain ecosystem.

Infrastructure for NFTs: Ensure the blockchain offers comprehensive NFT infrastructure, including storage solutions, gateways, and indexing services like Subgraph, along with APIs similar to Moralis. This infrastructure is vital for managing NFTs effectively, from creation and storage to transactions and player interaction.

Chain Hype and Developer Preferences: The general buzz around a blockchain can impact player and developer interest. Additionally, consider the technical compatibility with your development team’s expertise — whether the chain supports the EVM, or if it operates on different protocols like Solana, Sui, or Cosmos. This compatibility will influence development ease and potential integration challenges.

Support for Abstract Accounts: A platform that supports abstract accounts can greatly enhance user experience by simplifying interactions with the blockchain. This feature allows for a more seamless integration of blockchain elements into your game, making it accessible to a wider audience, including those new to blockchain gaming.

Incorporating these considerations into the selection process enhances the foundation upon which your game is built, ensuring it thrives within the dynamic landscape of blockchain gaming.

Moreover, for those projects with very specific needs or looking to pioneer new blockchain gaming models, the option to launch your own blockchain, such as a dApp-chain, becomes relevant. Platforms like Cosmos or Avalanche offer the flexibility of creating subnets or custom chains. This can provide unparalleled control over your game’s infrastructure, allowing for tailor-made solutions that perfectly fit your game’s requirements while still benefiting from the security and interoperability features of established blockchains.

This strategic exploration into choosing the right blockchain infrastructure underscores the importance of aligning technical capabilities with your game’s long-term vision. By carefully evaluating these factors, developers can ensure their projects are not just innovative but also integrated within the broader ecosystem, offering players a rich, interconnected gaming experience.

Each blockchain platform offers a unique balance of these factors, catering to different needs within the gaming community. Developers must weigh these considerations carefully when choosing a platform to build their games, while gamers should be aware of how these factors affect their gameplay and asset management. As the blockchain gaming industry evolves, continuous improvements and innovations in these areas will further enhance the user experience and expand the possibilities within the gaming world.

Developing Your Blockchain Game: A Step-by-Step Guide

The world of blockchain gaming presents plenty of opportunities for developers and creatives alike. The next potential question you may come up with is — how to create a blockchain game. Let’s walk through several essential steps from concept to launch to know the intricacies of this process.

Step 1: Concept and Game Mechanics Development

The foundation of any game lies in a compelling concept. Here, the unique capabilities of Web3 can be harnessed to create truly groundbreaking experiences. Move beyond traditional game mechanics and explore innovative possibilities:

  • Start by defining compelling game mechanics that will attract and retain players. This involves brainstorming and conceptualizing the gameplay elements that make your game unique and enjoyable.
  • Understand that while your game should be community-driven, integrating a DAO from the onset may not be necessary. Focus on building a strong, engaged community around your game, as this will be crucial for feedback and growth.
  • Decide which aspects of your game will benefit from blockchain technology. This includes determining which game mechanics to decentralize, how assets will be managed and distributed, and which parts of your game should be tokenized. Tokenization can apply to in-game assets, rewards, or even the game’s currency, offering a new layer of value and ownership to players.

Step 2: Selecting the Blockchain Platform

After establishing your game’s mechanics and community focus, the next crucial step involves selecting the appropriate blockchain platform. This choice is pivotal as it will dictate the capabilities, scalability, and user experience of your game.

Considerations for this selection include:

  • NFT Infrastructure: Opt for a blockchain that supports a robust infrastructure for NFTs, including indexers, APIs, and gateways. This infrastructure is essential for managing and transacting NFTs efficiently, providing a seamless experience for users.
  • NFT Marketplaces Presence: The blockchain should have access to vibrant NFT marketplaces. These platforms will be instrumental for players to trade, sell, or buy in-game assets, enhancing the game’s economy and player engagement.
  • Interoperability and Bridges: Look for blockchains that offer bridges and interoperability solutions. These features enable asset transfer across different blockchain ecosystems, expanding your game’s reach and accessibility.
  • Integration with Existing Projects: Consider blockchains that host projects beneficial for integration with your game. This could include DeFi protocols, other games, or platforms that could synergize with your game’s mechanics, enriching the overall ecosystem and providing additional value to players.

Selecting a blockchain that meets these criteria ensures your game can leverage the full potential of blockchain technology, from NFTs and marketplaces to interoperability and ecosystem integration. This foundational decision shapes the technical development and future expansion possibilities of your blockchain game, making it crucial to choose wisely based on your game’s specific needs and ambitions.

Step 3: Designing the In-Game Economy and Tokenomics

A meticulously designed in-game economy is the lifeblood of your blockchain game. Here’s a breakdown of key considerations:

  • NFT Design and Utility: Define the types of NFTs your game will utilize (characters, items, land parcels). Determine how these NFTs will be earned (in-game activities, purchase) and their role within the game’s ecosystem (utility for gameplay, breeding mechanics).
  • Tokenomics Model: Establish a clear tokenomics model outlining the utility and value proposition of your game’s cryptocurrency. Consider factors like inflation control mechanisms (burning mechanics), reward structures for players, and potential use cases for your token beyond the confines of your game (governance within a DAO, access to exclusive features in other web3 projects).

Step 4: Developing Secure Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are the foundation of your blockchain game. They enforce game rules, manage NFTs, and automate critical functionalities. Here’s how to ensure their effectiveness and security:

  • Partner with Experienced Developers: Engage with blockchain developers who possess a deep understanding of smart contract development best practices and security considerations.
  • Multi-Signature Wallets and Secure Coding Practices: Implement multi-signature wallets for added security when deploying and managing smart contracts. Adhere to secure coding practices and the pipelines with internal security checks at each development stage. Have the testnet environment for testing the functionality during the development
  • Security Audit: Conduct thorough audits by reputable blockchain security firms to identify and rectify any vulnerabilities before launch.

Step 5: Building the Game and Integrating with Blockchain

In the development journey of a blockchain game, alongside implementing game mechanics using the chosen game engine, a significant portion of effort is devoted to the integration of blockchain technology. This integration is multifaceted, involving several key components that ensure the game operates smoothly within the blockchain ecosystem:

  • Subgraphs and Onchain Data Aggregation: Consider building your own Subgraphs or integrating other onchain data aggregating solutions. These tools are vital for querying blockchain data efficiently, enabling your game to react to changes in blockchain state in real time.
  • Smart Contract Interactions with Multicalls: Employ multicalls for more efficient interactions with smart contracts. This approach reduces the need for multiple transactions by batching them, enhancing the user experience with faster and cheaper interactions.
  • Metadata Storage and NFT Gateways: Integrate metadata storage solutions and NFT gateways to facilitate rapid interactions with NFT metadata. This is crucial for displaying NFT assets in-game and ensuring that transactions involving NFTs are processed smoothly.
  • Utilizing APIs and SDKs: Leverage available APIs and SDKs, such as Airstack or Moralis, to streamline the development process. These tools offer pre-built functions and services that can significantly speed up the integration of blockchain features into your game.
  • RPC Integration for Access to Online Data: Integrate with Remote Procedure Call (RPC) services like Blaize partner GetBlock for quick access to blockchain data. RPCs are essential for interacting with the blockchain network, allowing your game to retrieve the latest blockchain state efficiently.

Step 6: Rigorous Testing and Deployment

Extensive testing is paramount before unleashing your game to the world. Here’s a structured approach:

  • Internal Testing: Conduct rigorous internal testing to identify and rectify bugs within the game mechanics and smart contracts. Focus on functionality, security, and ensuring a balanced gameplay experience.
  • Public Beta Phase: Launch a public beta phase to gather valuable player feedback on gameplay mechanics, balance issues, and overall user experience. Utilize this phase to refine your game based on player insights and squash any remaining bugs or security vulnerabilities within your smart contracts.
  • Deployment Strategy: Carefully plan your deployment strategy, considering factors like network congestion and gas fees. Explore options like deploying on a Layer 2 scaling solution to optimize transaction costs for players.

Step 7: DAO Creating and Marketing

A thriving community is the fuel that propels your blockchain game towards long-term success. Here’s how to cultivate a passionate player base:

  • Community Engagement: Actively engage with potential players on social media platforms, gaming forums, and relevant Discord communities. Host regular AMA sessions to answer player questions and build anticipation for your game’s launch.
  • Influencer Marketing: Collaborate with established influencers within the blockchain gaming space to reach a wider audience. Leverage their expertise and reach to generate excitement for your game and its unique features.
  • Strategic Partnerships: Explore partnerships with other blockchain projects or established gaming platforms to gain additional exposure and attract players already invested in the Web3 ecosystem.
  • Clear Communication: Maintain clear and consistent communication with your community. Regularly share updates on development progress, roadmap milestones, and upcoming events. Be transparent about any challenges you encounter and address player concerns promptly.

Step 8: Evolving and Adapting to the Blockchain Landscape

The world of blockchain gaming is a dynamic and ever-evolving space. Here’s how to ensure your game thrives in the long run:

  • Stay Informed: Continuously stay updated on the latest trends and innovations within the blockchain gaming landscape. Monitor emerging technologies like interoperable NFT standards to adapt your game and remain competitive.
  • Gather Player Feedback: Actively solicit feedback from your player base. Utilize in-game surveys, community forums, and social media platforms to understand player preferences and identify areas for improvement.
  • Iterate and Enhance: Be prepared to iterate and build upon your game based on player feedback and evolving market trends. Introduce new content, features, and gameplay mechanics to maintain player engagement and ensure your game remains fresh and exciting.

By following these steps and leveraging the powerful tools and best practices outlined throughout this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the exciting world of blockchain game development. Remember, success hinges on a captivating concept, a robust infrastructure, a thriving community, and the continuous pursuit of innovation. With dedication, expertise, and a passion for gaming, you can be a part of shaping the future of this revolutionary new landscape.

Essential Tools and SDKs for Blockchain Game Development

In the evolving landscape of blockchain game development, leveraging the right tools and SDKs is paramount for creating engaging, innovative, and technically sound gaming experiences. Here’s an overview of essential components and resources developers should consider:

Aggregators (Subgraph): The Graph’s Subgraph acts as a powerful tool for indexing and querying blockchain data efficiently. It allows developers to construct queries that can fetch specific subsets of data relevant to their game, enabling dynamic content updates and interactions based on blockchain events.

APIs for Working with NFTs and Onchain Information (Moralis, Airstack): Platforms like Moralis and Airstack offer comprehensive APIs that simplify the integration of blockchain functionalities into games. These services provide easy access to NFT operations, user authentication, and real-time onchain data, streamlining the development process and enhancing the gaming experience.

NFT Gateway (Moralis): Moralis also serves as an NFT gateway, offering developers a straightforward method to manage and transact NFTs within their games. This facilitates the incorporation of digital collectibles and assets, pivotal in building a game’s economy and player engagement.

Metadata Storage (Arweave): For permanent, decentralized storage of game assets and metadata, Arweave presents a reliable solution. Its blockweave technology ensures data permanence, making it ideal for storing NFT metadata and other critical game information that must remain unaltered and accessible.

RPC (GetBlock): Integrating with Remote Procedure Call (RPC) services like GetBlock provides developers with seamless access to various blockchain networks. This is crucial for executing smart contracts, making transactions, and retrieving blockchain data, thereby maintaining the game’s connection to the blockchain ecosystem.

Oracles: Incorporating oracles into blockchain games is essential for accessing real-world data and ensuring that in-game events can be triggered by external conditions. Oracles serve as bridges between blockchains and external data sources, enabling dynamic game scenarios and mechanics influenced by real-world events or conditions.

By incorporating these tools and SDKs into their development toolkit, blockchain game developers can significantly enhance their productivity and the quality of the gaming experience. These components not only facilitate the technical implementation of blockchain features but also open up new possibilities for game design and player interaction.

On-Chain Gaming: Best Practices and Case Studies

On-chain gaming represents the cutting edge of blockchain gaming, pushing the boundaries of decentralization by placing critical game logic and asset ownership directly on the blockchain. This approach stands in stark contrast to traditional blockchain games, where some functionalities may rely on off-chain servers, potentially compromising transparency and security.

Best practices for on-chain game development:

  • Prioritize Engaging Core Gameplay: The foundation of any successful game lies in captivating core mechanics. Focus on crafting a fun and engaging gameplay experience that keeps players coming back for more. Remember, innovative technology doesn’t guarantee player retention — a well-designed and enjoyable game is paramount.
  • Gas Fee Optimization: Transaction fees (gas fees) on the blockchain can be a significant hurdle for on-chain games, especially for those with frequent player interactions. Explore gas optimization techniques like batching transactions or utilizing Layer 2 scaling solutions to maintain a smooth player experience and avoid pricing out potential users.
  • Embrace Decentralization: Fully immerse yourself in the core tenets of blockchain technology by striving for a decentralized game world. Minimize reliance on centralized servers and empower players through DAO governance structures where applicable. This fosters a more democratic and community-driven gaming environment.

Showing Blaize’s prowess in the domain of web3 games development, we are delighted to pay attention to our following successful cases:

Nomo Fantasy Leagues for LeagueDAO

Blaize showcased its deep expertise in Web3 game development through the creation of the Nomo Fantasy Leagues for LeagueDAO, a project that joints DeFi, rewards, and digital collectibles in the realm of fantasy sports. Tasked with developing a blockchain-based protocol, Blaize’s team demonstrated proficiency in handling complex web3 architectures. The project architecture, centered around a smart-contract system that includes NFTs representing real-world sports players, oracles, and fantasy league games, underscores Blaize’s ability to create immersive and engaging gaming experiences.

Their development process involved a robust Solidity team, alongside skilled back-end, Subgraph specialists, and front-end developers, tackling milestones such as creating Nomo NFT contracts, developing leagues for staking NFTs, and integrating APIs from leading sports data providers. Blaize adeptly met challenges related to optimizing NFT structures for player parameters and designing game contracts for efficient points and rewards calculation.


Blaize undertook a significant project to enrich the Decimated game, a AAA title known for its post-apocalyptic survival theme with cyberpunk elements, by integrating advanced payment and trading systems. Decimated was ranked by DappRadar as one of the most friendly gamer experience games in 2023.

Tasked with incorporating the Swipelux fiat-on-ramp into the game, Blaize enabled players to efficiently convert fiat money into the game’s cryptocurrency, enhancing the player experience by facilitating seamless in-game transactions.

The project’s scope extended to developing a comprehensive ecosystem comprising a Webstore for in-game purchases, a P2P trading system for direct player transactions, and the integration of both non-custodial and Stardust-backed custodial wallets for secure transactions. The architecture centered around the Microsoft Azure PlayFab service, with a microservices setup including payment, user services, and the webstore, all aimed at simplifying purchases and trades within the game.

Several innovative games have emerged as leaders in the on-chain gaming space, showcasing the immense potential of this revolutionary approach:

  • Mines of Dalarnia (DAR): This action RPG takes on-chain capabilities to a new level. Players explore a procedurally generated universe, collect valuable resources, and battle hostile creatures. All in-game items, resources, and land parcels are represented by NFTs, stored directly on the blockchain, and freely tradable on secondary marketplaces. Mines of Dalarnia exemplifies the potential for complex and engaging gameplay experiences within the on-chain framework.
  • The Sandbox (SAND): This highly anticipated metaverse project allows players to acquire virtual land parcels as NFTs, own and monetize their creations, and participate in a thriving player-driven economy. The game leverages the Polygon blockchain for its scalability, enabling a smooth player experience with minimal gas fees. The Sandbox highlights the potential of on-chain gaming for fostering user-generated content and fostering a vibrant virtual world.
  • Illuvium (ILV): This open-world RPG boasts a captivating blend of on-chain and off-chain mechanics. Players capture and battle colossal beasts called “Illuvials,” which are represented by NFTs. While core gameplay mechanics like exploration and battling occur in-game, ownership and trading of Illuvials leverage the security and transparency of the Immutable X blockchain. Illuvium demonstrates the potential for a hybrid approach, leveraging on-chain benefits for asset ownership while maintaining a smooth player experience through strategic use of off-chain elements.

On-chain gaming represents a paradigm shift in the gaming industry, empowering players with unprecedented ownership and control over their digital experiences. As blockchain technology continues to evolve, on-chain games will benefit from increased scalability solutions (Layer 2 scaling, rollups), lower transaction fees, and more sophisticated smart contract functionalities. This will unlock the potential for even more immersive, strategically complex, and truly player-driven experiences within the on-chain gaming landscape.

How does Blaize leverage blockchain technology to transform online gaming?

Blaize harnesses blockchain technology to revolutionize online gaming by offering robust development services that ensure seamless integration of blockchain into games. Specializing in smart contract development, Blaize provides secure, scalable, and innovative solutions that empower game developers to create decentralized games with true digital asset ownership and novel GameFi opportunities, elevating the gaming experience to new heights.

Reach out Blaize to revolutionize & upgrade your gaming project with blockchain technology.

Article source: Blaize blog



Blaize Team

We are a development & service company with an emphasis on blockchain technology