Marketing for Blockchain Projects: A Comprehensive Guide

Blaize Team
Published in
9 min readAug 23, 2023

Since its inception, the blockchain industry has been synonymous with immense potential, attracting technocrats, investors, and entrepreneurs alike. Yet, the barriers to entry, amplified by the influx of myriad projects in 2023, demand more than just technological brilliance. The quick growth in popularity of the industry caused the growth of competition inside the market. A thoughtfully-crafted blockchain marketing strategy is what weaves the threads of innovation into a tapestry of success.

Let the numbers speak. The total crypto market volume over the last 24 hours is $21.43B, the total volume in DeFi is currently $1.66B, and the total volume of all stablecoins is now $19.8B. These mind-breaking figures perfectly illustrate how perspective and prosperous the crypto & blockchain market is. And indeed, choosing a marketing solution that fits is half the way to success.

Drawing from our deep well of experience at Blaize, this guide unveils a treasure trove of insights. Aimed to equip young projects with the wisdom to navigate the crypto labyrinth, it serves as a beacon to amplify ROI.

What is Crypto and Blockchain Marketing?

Crypto and blockchain marketing isn’t merely about promoting a new type of product — it’s about pioneering trust in a revolutionary financial paradigm. At its core, this type of marketing navigates the distinctive landscape of the cryptocurrency world, weaving tales that foster trust, promote transparency and fuel adoption.

Traditional products often rely on tangible benefits and a history of trust. In contrast, crypto projects are venturing into largely uncharted territories, requiring a more nuanced approach. Strategies have to be agile, responsive to the market’s pulse, and hyper-aware of the stakeholders involved.

Stat: A report from Statista revealed that the number of blockchain wallet users increased from less than 10 million in 2016 to over 60 million in 2020 (Source: Statista, 2020). This exponential rise underscores the importance of effective crypto marketing, as the competition for these users’ attention has intensified.

Coupled with the dynamism of the 2023 crypto market, distinguishing oneself demands a deep understanding of unique metrics like community sentiment, regulatory shifts, and technological advancements. Effective blockchain marketing strategy and crypto content marketing have thus become indispensable tools in a project’s arsenal, paving the way for success in an increasingly crowded space.

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Main Challenges Faced by New Blockchain Projects

Launching a new blockchain project is an ambitious endeavor, but it comes with a set of unique challenges that must be navigated effectively. This section offers an introductory overview of the primary challenges that new blockchain projects often encounter and provides insights on how to address them.

Market Volatility

The crypto market, by nature, experiences significant fluctuations. It’s an environment where a tweet, regulatory news, or a technological glitch can swing valuations wildly.

In 2021, the cryptocurrency market saw its value halve within just a few months, only to rebound again (Source: CoinMarketCap, 2021). This rollercoaster of values can challenge even the most well-laid marketing plans, as projects grapple with investor sentiment and market stability.

Emerging Industry Dynamics

Being a relatively nascent field, blockchain often feels like shifting sands. Continuous technological innovations, regulatory shifts, and changing public perceptions make it a fluid industry.

As of 2022, more than 70% of central banks were exploring the concept of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), showcasing the evolving stance on digital currencies (Source: Bank for International Settlements, 2022).

Scam Projects and Mistrust

The rise of scam projects and fraudulent schemes casts shadows of doubt. Legitimate projects must now undertake the added responsibility of proving their genuineness and dispelling skepticism.

Stat: Approximately $1.7 billion in cryptocurrency was estimated to be stolen and scammed in 2018 alone (Source: CipherTrace Cryptocurrency Anti-Money Laundering Report, 2019). For budding blockchain endeavors, building trust is paramount.

How to Build an Effective Marketing Strategy for a Blockchain Project

In the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, creating a comprehensive marketing strategy is crucial for the success of your project. With an increasing number of blockchain projects emerging every day, it’s essential to stand out in the crowd and attract the right audience. In this section, we’ll explore how to build an effective blockchain marketing strategy tailored to your project.

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Get to Know Your Ideal Customers

  • Understanding Demographics: Analyze the age, gender, region, and other relevant demographics of your target audience.
  • Engage in Surveys: Collect primary data to understand preferences and pain points.

Stat: 62% of marketers say improving audience segmentation to enable precision targeting is their top priority (Source: HubSpot, 2020).

Stay Tuned to the Latest Insights

  • Web3 Development: With the rise of web3 technologies, ensure you’re aligned with the trends, including web3 marketing strategy and marketing in web3.
  • Regulatory News: Changes in cryptocurrency regulations can vastly affect marketing strategies.

Set SMART Goals

  • Specific: Clearly define what you want to achieve.
  • Measurable: Ensure you can track your progress.
  • Achievable: Set realistic expectations.
  • Relevant: Align goals with the project’s vision.
  • Time-bound: Determine a deadline for each goal.

Pick the Right Marketing Channels

  • Diversify: From crypto email marketing to web3 affiliate marketing, it’s important to tap into various channels.

Stat: In a study, 72% of marketers believed that a multi-channel marketing strategy was crucial for success (Source: ClickZ, 2019).

Let Your Creativity Shine

  • Storytelling: Weave narratives that resonate with the crypto community and encapsulate your project’s essence.
  • Visuals: Use captivating graphics and videos, given that visuals are processed 60,000 times faster than text by the human brain.

Track Your Progress

  • Data Analytics: Use tools to monitor the efficacy of your campaigns.
  • Adjust Strategy: Based on the feedback loop from data analytics, adjust and refine your strategies.

Stat: In 2021, it was found that 64% of marketers actively invest in search engine optimization (SEO) to bolster their campaigns (Source: HubSpot, 2021).

Best Crypto Marketing Strategies

In the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies, effective marketing strategies are essential to stand out and succeed. This section provides an introductory overview of the best marketing strategies for the crypto space, offering valuable insights for navigating this competitive landscape.

Marketing in the crypto sphere requires a unique approach due to its complex, ever-evolving nature. To thrive, you need to be not only innovative but also strategic in your marketing efforts. Here, we’ll explore the core principles that underpin the best crypto marketing strategies.

Focus on SEO From the Early Stages

  • Focus on commercial (money) keywords. Start from low, competitive keywords, as it’s much easier to get visibility.
  • Content is king. Write for people, not for robots, but do not forget about organizing keywords on the page in a proper way
  • Build your external signals. The more info about you/your business on the web, the more understandable you are for robots & people. So, build backlinks, get reviews on the platform, and get a social presence. All this works perfectly for SEO.

Stat: 70–80% of users ignore paid ads and focus on organic results (Source: imFORZA, 2019).

Create a compelling whitepaper

  • Transparent Information: Clearly articulate your project’s value proposition, technology, team, and roadmap.
  • Engaging Design: Incorporate visuals and infographics to break down complex concepts.

Focus on community management

  • Engage Actively: Regularly interact with your audience on platforms like Telegram, Discord, and Reddit.
  • Feedback Loop: Take community feedback seriously and make them feel part of the project’s journey.

Stat: Brands that engage with their audience on social media platforms enjoy a 33% higher conversion rate (Source: Social Media Today, 2020).

Content marketing

  • Informative Blogs: Write about industry trends, project updates, and educate your audience.
  • Guest Posts: Collaborate with well-established crypto platforms for wider reach.


  • Increase Adoption: Offer free tokens to potential users, increasing awareness and user base. But one should consider that airdrops as a tool must be used consciously. Sometimes the situation happens when the community is ‘filled up’ with freebie lovers, and after you’re finished with airdrops the community remains completely inactive. Therefore, this tool must be combined with other community activation tools.

Stat: Airdrops can increase token ownership dispersion by 50% or more (Source: ICO Marketing Guide, 2019).

Maintain Regular Communication

  • Newsletters: Keep stakeholders updated with monthly or weekly newsletters, optimizing for crypto email marketing.
  • AMA Sessions: Hold “Ask Me Anything” sessions to foster transparency.

Email marketing

  • Segmentation: Segment your email list to provide targeted and relevant information.
  • Engaging Content: Use visuals and engaging copy to captivate the recipient’s attention.

Stat: Email marketing has an average ROI of 3,800% for businesses (Source: DMA, 2020).

PR Campaign

  • Press Releases: Regularly send out announcements to well-known crypto publications.
  • Collaborations: Partner with influencers or trusted figures in the crypto space for interviews.

Paid Advertising

  • Targeted Ads: Use platforms like Google, Meta (Facebook and Instagram), Twitter, and TikTok or specialized crypto ad networks for reaching the right audience.

Stat: Crypto-specific ad platforms have seen a surge in usage, with a 59% increase in ad impressions year-on-year as of 2022 (Source: Brave Browser Insights, 2022).

Social Media Presence

  • Active Engagement: Regularly post and engage with the community on platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.
  • High-Quality Expert Content: Create various trendy content on domestic platforms as well as in journals, newspapers, etc. That can include interviews, how-to-make videos, infographics, and memes.

Blaize is Your Best Crypto Marketing Agency

In a digital age dominated by incessant innovation and transformative tech, Blaize emerges as the lighthouse for projects navigating the rough seas of crypto marketing. Here’s why:

Expertise Born from Experience

Having sculpted our legacy in the heart of the crypto revolution, Blaize is adept at understanding the nuances of blockchain marketing. With years spent at the confluence of technology and marketing, we’ve mastered the art of promoting decentralized projects.

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Tailored Strategies:

Understanding that every project is unique, we emphasize custom solutions. Whether it’s crypto content marketing, crypto social media marketing, or harnessing the potential of web3 marketing, we curate strategies that resonate.

Holistic Approach:

Our proficiency isn’t limited to one aspect of blockchain marketing. From conceptualizing the best crypto marketing campaigns to ensuring optimum crypto email marketing, our services cover the full spectrum.

Proven Results:

We measure our success through the success of our clients. Time and again, Blaize has been pivotal in driving ICOs, token sales, and blockchain project launches to reach their milestones.


In a rapidly evolving space like blockchain, agility is paramount. We are not just attuned to the currents but also to the future waves. As web3 takes the world by storm, our strategies for web3 content marketing and web3 affiliate marketing position our clients at the forefront of innovation.

Final Thoughts

The blockchain landscape of 2023 isn’t just about groundbreaking technology and innovative projects; it’s about crafting compelling narratives, building trust, and establishing genuine connections with the audience. In an industry where everyone is vying for attention, genuine engagement and authentic storytelling can make all the difference.

Blockchain marketing isn’t merely about pushing a message; it’s about meaningful dialogues, educating the masses, and instilling confidence in decentralized systems. Moreover, as we transition deeper into the decentralized era, understanding web3 marketing isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity. And mastering it can be the difference between fleeting attention and lasting impact.

Navigating this intricate dance of trust, innovation, and communication can be challenging. Yet, that’s where seasoned veterans like Blaize step in. With hands-on experience, unparalleled expertise, and a proven track record, we don’t just understand the rules of the game; we help redefine them.

For young projects looking to carve their niche, embarking on this journey without a compass can be daunting. But with Blaize as your ally, you’re not just leveraging a service; you’re partnering with a catalyst that can propel your vision into a reality.

As the blockchain tapestry continues to expand and evolve, so do the challenges and opportunities. But with the right strategies, a dash of creativity, and a trusted partner by your side, the future looks not just promising but transformative.

Thank you for allowing us to share insights into the dynamic world of crypto and blockchain marketing. As the horizon of 2023 beckons with new challenges and opportunities, projects like yours, armed with the right knowledge, stand ready to reshape the future.

Article source: Blaize blog



Blaize Team

We are a development & service company with an emphasis on blockchain technology