Why Web3 is What Enterprise and Business Really Need

Blaize Team
Published in
8 min readJun 23, 2023

In today’s highly competitive digital landscape, web2 enterprises continually seek technological innovations to maintain an edge. According to a study by IDC, worldwide spending on transformation to modern technologies is predicted to reach $2.8 trillion by 2025, indicating a significant surge in investment.


Web3 is revolutionizing how enterprises interact, transact, and manage data in the online world. With businesses in industries such as finance, real estate, green energy, and healthcare exploring the advantages of this technology, the potential impact of Web3 on the global economy is immense, as well as the effect of web3 for business.

This article will explore the web3 use cases, potential business advantages, and how enterprises can successfully integrate this transformative technology into their operations.

At Blaize, we successfully prove for more than 6 years the usefulness of web3 solutions for enterprises. Discover more about Blaize cases.

Web3 Evolution

The progression of the internet has seen three distinct stages: Web1, Web2, and the emergent Web3. Each of these stages signifies a paradigm shift in our interaction with the digital world, offering unique advantages while laying the groundwork for the next phase of evolution.

Web1, the internet’s earliest form, marked the “Information Age.” A read-only platform, Web1 allowed users to consume information but had limited interaction or content creation scope. It was essentially a static environment, with websites serving as digital brochures.

Web2 revolutionized this space, ushering in the “Interactive Age.” This stage provided a read-write platform, empowering users to interact and share content freely. This shift birthed the era of social media, user-generated content, and dynamic web applications. However, despite its numerous advantages, Web2 has been criticized for its centralized nature, where a few tech giants control vast amounts of data, leading to privacy, data ownership, and security issues.

Building on the interactive benefits of Web2, Web3 introduces a read-write-execute model, shaping the internet into an “Intelligent Age.” Web3 encompasses a vision where intelligent agents, powered by AI and Machine Learning, interact over a decentralized network. This environment relies on blockchain technology and cryptographic security, promoting transparency, trust, and data security. Web3 envisages a future where control over data returns to individual users, promoting data sovereignty. It also offers the potential for a trustless system of interaction, where cryptographic proof can replace the need for trust in third-party intermediaries.

What are the current use cases of web3?

The disruptive potential of Web3 is reflected in its wide array of use cases, spanning across sectors. Here, we delve into a few of these application areas to provide a broader understanding of Web3’s potential and versatility.

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)

DAOs represent one of the primary use cases for Web3. Leveraging the power of smart contracts, DAOs operate completely decentralized, reducing the need for a centralized governing body. This decentralized structure offers several benefits, such as enhanced transparency and a more democratic decision-making process, which relies on tokenomics and community consensus.

The Creator Economy

Web3 enables creators to interact directly with their audience, bypassing traditional gatekeepers and intermediaries. Artists, musicians, and other creators can mint unique digital assets as NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), providing them new ways to monetize their work while retaining control over their intellectual property. This shift is causing a renaissance in the creative world, opening up unprecedented opportunities for artists.

Supply Chain Management

The immutable and transparent nature of blockchain, the backbone of Web3, is perfect for supply chain management. It allows for real-time tracking of goods, ensuring product authenticity and minimizing fraud. Companies can now trace the journey of a product from its origin to the end consumer, ensuring accountability at each stage.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

Web3 is reshaping the financial landscape with the advent of DeFi. This innovative model uses blockchain and cryptocurrencies to recreate and improve traditional financial systems. It provides a more inclusive and open financial system, where services such as lending, borrowing, and trading can be accessed by anyone, anywhere in the world, without needing a centralized authority like a bank.

Identity Verification and Privacy

Web3 offers advanced identity verification and privacy solutions, a critical need in today’s data-driven world. By allowing users to control their own personal data and how it is shared, Web3 empowers individuals, provides improved privacy, and reduces the risks of data breaches and identity theft.

The adoption and integration of Web3 technologies by businesses have been underway for some time now, and the impact is already being felt. These ‘classic’ web3 use cases today are just the beginning; the potential applications are limitless. As the technology matures, we can expect a growing number of sectors to tap into the power of Web3, revolutionizing their operations in the process.

How Your Business will Benefit from Web3

Web3 offers businesses an opportunity to improve operational efficiency, enhance data security, and build a trustless environment for transactions. Below we detail how your enterprise can harness the power of Web3.

Data Security

Web3’s decentralized structure enhances data security significantly. Instead of storing data in a single, centralized location vulnerable to attacks, Web3 spreads data across multiple nodes in a network. This decentralization ensures that data cannot be altered or deleted without the consensus of all participants in the network. The integrity of the data is fortified through the blockchain’s immutable ledger and cryptographic mechanisms, meaning that any changes can always be traced back. This combination deters hackers and provides your business with an augmented layer of security and data authenticity.

Transparency and Trust

Transparency is a cornerstone of blockchain technology, which underpins Web3. Each transaction is recorded on an immutable ledger and can be viewed by anyone within the network. This transparency fosters trust between parties involved in a transaction and promotes accountability in business operations.

Operational Efficiency

Smart contracts, a key feature of Web3, automate transactions based on pre-set conditions, eliminating the need for intermediaries and reducing transaction times. This automation can drastically improve operational efficiency, particularly in supply chain management and finance sectors.

User Empowerment

Web3 aims to return data ownership to users, giving them more control over their personal information. By doing so, Web3 can help businesses build customer trust and adhere to increasingly stringent data privacy regulations.

Operations Tokenization

Utilizing blockchain’s smart contracts, businesses can tokenize operations and assets for enhanced flexibility and streamlined management. This process, termed operations tokenization, facilitates a seamless transition to digital transformation by converting various business aspects into tradable tokens, opening up new avenues for growth within the decentralized ecosystem.

The incorporation of Web3 into businesses introduces a new layer of reliability, providing a secure, transparent, and efficient framework for conducting business. It’s a powerful tool with immense potential that enterprises can leverage for their strategic advantage.

What Industries Benefit from Web3 Solution at Most?

At Blaize, we envision several industries where Web3 could bring significant benefits.

Real Estate

Web3 in real estate could streamline property transactions, reduce fraud, and improve efficiency. Blockchain’s transparency ensures verifiable property records, while smart contracts can automate lease agreements and sales transactions.


Web3 finance has already been revolutionized by DeFi (Decentralized Finance), allowing permissionless financial services. On the one hand, traditional finances will benefit from the security and efficiency provided by web3: with new alternative payment providers, assets digitalization, operations tokenization, and with decentralized identities and on-chain payment verifications. On the other hand, blockchain provides transparency, security, and efficiency, significantly reducing the need for intermediaries.


The healthcare industry wasn’t an exclusion to be drastically affected by rapid web3 development. Private chains for patient electronic information securing and verification, verifiable tamper-proof medical test results and laboratory research, on-chain identity, and patient admit history became possible with blockchain and web3 layer integration.

Green Energy

Web3 could enable decentralized energy trading, promoting renewable energy usage. Smart contracts can automate energy transactions, making green energy more accessible and cost-effective. Web3 also revolutionizes the green energy sector by streamlining the carbon credits market. An immutable ledger ensures transparent and verifiable tracking of carbon emissions, while tokenizing carbon credits enhances market liquidity and accessibility, encouraging sustainability among businesses.

Blaize is Your Bridge to Web3 Technology World

Transitioning from a Web2 infrastructure to Web3 is a complex process, often characterized by challenges related to code compatibility, working with payment providers, and establishing fiat ramps. However, Blaize, having comprehensive and deep expertise in the Web3 domain, has the necessary expertise to navigate these intricacies smoothly, making us your reliable partner in your journey toward Web3 adoption.

Overcoming Compatibility Issues

One of the main challenges of integrating Web3 into Web2 businesses lies in code compatibility. The shift to a decentralized network model involves an entirely new set of coding paradigms and languages, which can be challenging to align with existing codebases. At Blaize, our team of seasoned developers has the know-how to bridge these compatibility issues, ensuring a seamless transition.

Facilitating Payments

Payment providers form the backbone of any online enterprise, and integrating them into a Web3 framework can be complex. The transition involves not only dealing with cryptocurrencies but also ensuring compliance with existing financial regulations and standards. Blaize’s extensive experience in this field enables us to integrate payment systems effectively into a Web3 model, making the process hassle-free for our clients.

Establishing Fiat Ramps

Creating fiat ramps, the on-ramps and off-ramps for moving between cryptocurrencies and traditional fiat currencies is another critical aspect of Web3 integration. It’s a necessary function to ensure smooth transactions within the business ecosystem. With our expertise in blockchain and finance, Blaize can help establish these critical interfaces, facilitating seamless transactions between digital and traditional assets.

In summary, while the path to Web3 adoption may seem complex, Blaize is well equipped to navigate this landscape. Our team of skilled professionals brings to the table an unbeatable combination of technical prowess, financial acumen, and industry insight, making us an ideal partner in your Web3 journey.


Web3 is a game-changing technology with profound implications for businesses across industries. From creating a more secure and transparent digital environment to enhancing operational efficiency and user empowerment, Web3 offers vast potential. It promises to revolutionize traditional business models, create new forms of value, and enable more democratic and transparent systems.

However, realizing this potential requires an understanding of the technology and the ability to navigate the complexities associated with its adoption. This is where Blaize comes in. Our expertise in the intricacies of Web3, from code compatibility to payment integration and establishing fiat ramps, ensures that your enterprise can transition smoothly into this new digital frontier.

In conclusion, the adoption of Web3 isn’t just about keeping up with technological trends; it’s about unlocking new levels of efficiency, security, and innovation for your business. As we move further into the era of Web3, partnering with a knowledgeable and experienced guide like Blaize will be key to seizing this technology’s immense opportunities. With Blaize, your business is not just stepping into the future — it’s shaping it.

Article source: Blaize blog https://blaize.tech/services/blockchain-integration/why-web3-is-what-enterprise-and-business-really-need/



Blaize Team

We are a development & service company with an emphasis on blockchain technology