Becca Carey
Becca Carey Journalist
5 min readMar 5, 2020

WOW. This week has been a blur. I’ve watched other people campaign over the years, I’ve even campaigned for a couple of people but until you do it, you have no idea how both emotionally and physically exhausting it is or equally, how incredible it as as an experience.

If you still don’t know what I’m talking about, well…I’ll give you a clue it’s not the Democrat Candidate Selection…Got it? No? I’m floored because it is all I have spoken about in the last week. DUSA ELECTIONS 2020, win or lose, has been the most wonderfully exhausting week of my life. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Two paragraphs in and I can already hear the murmurs: “ Becca…you even made a blog out of this, is there anything you won’t blog about?” Frankly, if you didn’t know the answer already then I don’t think you’ve been paying attention. How could I not talk about the rollercoaster that has been this week? DUSA ELECTIONS have possessed me- they’re all I talk about. Should I post this photo? Do you think that student has a leaflet already? How can we get people to vote? It’s more a sickness really : ELECTION FEVER and one I am very likely not to recover from even after tomorrow’s results night.

Campaigning has been a whirlwind, days feel like weeks and hours feel like days. When I haven’t been handing out flyers for a couple of hours I get withdrawal symptoms, I’m reciting “Back Becca…Back Becca” in my sleep. I’ve done my best to try and keep you updated with everything from Student Halls visits, my bad dancing to my tremendous art installations wholly made out of chalk. In truth, it’s impossible to document everything- all the conversations we have been having with students, all of the car sing-a-longs and lecture shout outs.

So, I have come up with a solution and yes, it does involve a blog. SHOCKER. If I am elected as the next Vice President of Communications and Campaigns, as part of my responsibilities, I will be overseeing DUSA Media- the four outlets that make up our student media platform ( Fibre Media, Tay Productions, Jam Radio and my bread-and-butter the Magdalen Magazine). *HINT HINT* It’s also my first policy!

As part of the charity fundraising efforts of the team, on behalf of RAG, the outlets come together for 55 hours of sleep deprived madness. They broadcast live for 55 hours- trapped in the Union across the weekend. You eat nothing but Pringles but it’s one of the most hysterical and memorable weekends I have ever had. I just hope I get to do it all again!

Therefore, in true Media style, it only seemed fair to give you a snapshot into my campaign. My own 55 hour campaign marathon — a recap on all of the work, campaigning, chatting and hysterics that I have been doing this week!

ENJOY and remember to #backbecca for VPCC before Friday 6th March 2pm!


Hour 0: Hustings

Day 1: Hour 12–24

Day 2: Hour 24–36

Day 3: Hour 36–48

Feels like 148

Day 4: Hour 48–55

Day 5: time has stopped

Operating on fumes and caffeine




Becca Carey
Becca Carey Journalist

SEO journalist @ Newsquest covering national news, entertainment and lifestyle + stories from Oxfordshire and Wiltshire | NCTJ qualified @ Glasgow Clyde College