Becca Carey
Becca Carey Journalist
6 min readApr 16, 2019


OMG Did you know I have a blog?

Apparently I live in 2007, who knew? Or are blogs cool now? I go back and forth. Unless you are the Huffington Post, they seem to only cater for a very specific demographic. Before I started my own, I made the mistake of forgetting to read the job description ( my bad). I’m sorry I didn’t know that you aren’t supposed to blog unless you are one of the following (NOBODY TOLD ME I SWEAR!):

  1. A MOTHERLORD (like overlord but motherlord get it?
  • MumsNet is THE Bible and it’s word is infallible. Anyone who doubts the word of MumsNet will burn, Childless women over the age of 35 will be flogged
  • You breastfeed your baby until they reach 48 months ( 4 years old to the rest of humanity and who don’t spend their days reading Peppa Pig)
  • Your evenings and weekends are spent writing reviews of buggies and getting into heated debates about the pros and cons of pacifiers / dummies

2. TUMBLR 4 EVA xxx

  • You must have watched every episode of Supernatural, Sherlock and/or Doctor Who and must quote obscure lines from each at least 3 times a day or risk the wrath of fandoms everywhere
  • It is standard to obsess over a hot character over and over again, how they will be your future partner and have your future babies. Tweeting at them until a restraining order ensues is commonplace is also deemed acceptable
  • You must spend the majority of the time crying over your OTP (one true pairing- check me I know Tumblr), hugging your knees in the shower, repeating THE FEELS over and over again. You may also have a disturbing obsession of writing your own fan fiction with equally horrendous drawings to go with it


  • Fan of stating the obvious : endless cycle of ‘democracy is dead ‘whatever happened to free speech’ or [insert snub of rival political blogger/ figure here]
  • Of the genuine belief that someone asked you for your opinion ( when nobody ever does) and that somehow it is the only valid/ correct opinion ( P.S. you are probably wrong because it’s only me that is actually every right- sorry)

TRANSLATION -the most infuriating thing to happen since they created Oreo thins

Hopefully, I don’t fall into any of the above categories even if I do like a feminist rant or two. The point is blogging is back and I’m a stickler for a trend ( the good ones anyway, I’ll pass on the scoobies thanks…P.S. anyone remember those?). I find myself bring up my blog all the time when in fact 99% of the time it is not only completely irrelevant to do so but just plain irritating for everyone in the room. The only silver lining for you all was that ‘Mañana’ was always supposed to be a blog for my training and was only going to be in July. It wasn’t about me getting readers or anything, I simply wanted to raise awareness about the Dundee International Women’s Centre and the work that they do. There was also the added benefit that if I told everyone what I was doing then it would force me to train. I am a sucker for peer pressure so even if you would consider my methods extreme, you can’t deny that they get results!

My relationship with blogging was only supposed to be a fling- a fleeting romance: Fun but neither one of you were expecting that it was going to last. But something happened, I just fell in love…completely surprise. I like writing down my feelings in this very public journal, it’s reassuring to know that I am not the only one going through things and I like that it has helped other people feel the same. With the half marathon coming closer and closer and my panic level steadily increasing, I realised how much I had been enjoying the writing and how I didn’t want it to end.In the past year, I have changed so much that it took me a second to catch up to the person that I have become. I always knew I liked writing and talking but I never really believe that people actually liked reading and listening to me rambling on. I thought I just annoyed people ( which I probably do and you’re all being nice but thank you for humouring me) . However, all of the comments and reassurance has been so heart-warming and now that my ego has expanded to size of Jupiter I can finally admit that I want to do this. So, instead of a limited time only I am essentially a DFS sale- always going but never gone…

So, I’m now a full- time blogger, part-time egomaniac and it’s all because of you guys. Obviously, I don’t want to just keep talking about running. Surely, there is only so much you can write about before you start reviewing trainer brands ( the runner equivalent to watching paint dry). I have also noticed that the stuff I love to write about, and the pieces that people ask me about are the personal ones. The ones about breakups and mental health- the issues that each and every one of us go through as if it is some kind of sick and twisted birth right. My plan is to chat about them- with my signature self-deprecating spin- so that we can solve them or at least understand them better. Naturally, the planner in me has ideas- I don’t have a colour coded binder yet but give me time I’m sure it’s only days away. But for now, I need your help.

This is the launch of Blame Becca- my advice column for the advice that I barely follow myself even though I should. Blame Becca comes from an inside joke with my friends about my tragically clumsy habits and now I want to share it with you. There is an anonymous posting thingy-ma-jig below( name to be confirmed when creativity strikes) where I want you guys to send me questions and issues that you want me to discuss. I have no idea if anyone will submit anything outside “please get a hobby” “don’t you have a degree??” but hey, it might be fun.

How it works

If you have an idea for a post, an issue or problem you want me to discuss or any comments about a post I have written. It can be anything really- something personal or on any topic you- I’m a 20 something Scottish Agony Aunt so to speak. All you have to do is text this number:

01738 700064

Just like Dunfess, it’s all anonymous so don’t worry and who knows you might actually get an answer to your question!

And if all else fails, blame the eijit with the Rainbow balloon #blamebecca
It’s as easy as that!

Lots of Love,

Becca x



Becca Carey
Becca Carey Journalist

SEO journalist @ Newsquest covering national news, entertainment and lifestyle + stories from Oxfordshire and Wiltshire | NCTJ qualified @ Glasgow Clyde College