Recommended reading

Duncan Walker
Blank Slate
Published in
2 min readMar 28, 2017

Here is our list of recommended industry publications to follow if you want to stay on the cutting edge of consumer experiences, mobile, and what will be important to consumers after mobile:

(in alphabetical order)

  • Asymco: Covers market updates and economics related to consumer technology, with an emphasis on Apple.
  • Blank Slate: Yours truly, helping brands create consumer experiences that sustain attention, meet consumer expectations, and create valuable long-term relationships.
  • Communities Dominate Brands: This is Tomi Ahonen’s blog, covering the mobile market, media trends, and wireless carriers. This is a great source for stats and data.
  • Consumer Barometer (Google): A sandbox to compare and visualize real-time consumer browsing trends courtesy of Google.
  • iAB SmartBrief: Whilst updates focus on the media industry, media and mobile are becoming increasingly intertwined and interdependent. The iAB SmartBrief now includes many updates on mobile-related matters.
  • KPCB Internet Trends: An annual report on consumer technologies and browsing behaviours, looking at year-over-year changes, and global macroeconomic — and in some cases socioeconomic — trends.
  • Think With Google: Google’s primary publication on consumer behaviour, mobile, video, and more that pioneered the term ‘micro-moments’, which refers to the impulsive reasone consumers turn to their phones.

That’s all for now! We’ll be keeping this list up-to-date with the latest sources so check back in the future.



Duncan Walker
Blank Slate

Head of Product at Jebbit. Researching trends on consumer attention, Internet-connected devices, and the increasingly challenging world of digital marketing.